eye contact
Hello Robert. Have you ever been questioned and, at some point, being a bit self conscious, you broke eye contact? (Something analogous happens to chaps like me in my curious profession--once become aware of yourself lecturing a class and self-consciousness subverts the lecture.) This often gets interpreted as a bad conscience, deceit, etc.
But the beauty of having Schwartz depose to the police--given that he really was an actor--was:
1. he could be convincing
2. he would not react strongly to questions put to him since he had to turn to the interpreter anyway
Hello Robert. Have you ever been questioned and, at some point, being a bit self conscious, you broke eye contact? (Something analogous happens to chaps like me in my curious profession--once become aware of yourself lecturing a class and self-consciousness subverts the lecture.) This often gets interpreted as a bad conscience, deceit, etc.
But the beauty of having Schwartz depose to the police--given that he really was an actor--was:
1. he could be convincing
2. he would not react strongly to questions put to him since he had to turn to the interpreter anyway