Lynn Cates wrote:
Hello Maria. Yes, my remarks were directed against their level of diction. My views on socialism/anarchism were not brought into the mix.
Yes, I noticed that (at second sight).
Incidentally, as a young lad, working as a dustman, I read "Kapital" and "The Communist Manifesto." I declared for Marx and Engels (no, not Groucho and Marty, the others). One day, however, I ran dead into reality and made peace with free market oeconomy. But none of that was germane to my comments about rhetoric.
But please, if you gentlemen start also throwing in a debate of the merits of a free market economy into the mix in this thread, the ogre
will grow even uglier! I'm retiring for the night
, in the hope of managing to take a nap later on.
Hello Maria. Yes, my remarks were directed against their level of diction. My views on socialism/anarchism were not brought into the mix.
Yes, I noticed that (at second sight).
Incidentally, as a young lad, working as a dustman, I read "Kapital" and "The Communist Manifesto." I declared for Marx and Engels (no, not Groucho and Marty, the others). One day, however, I ran dead into reality and made peace with free market oeconomy. But none of that was germane to my comments about rhetoric.
But please, if you gentlemen start also throwing in a debate of the merits of a free market economy into the mix in this thread, the ogre
