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Did jack kill liz stride?

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  • Well, I was just posting on here long before there were siggies (or before I was aware of them), so I'm stuck in my habits.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott


    • There were no siggies before the big crash?
      The oldest threads I've seen are from 2003.
      (This thread's now officially highjacked, but at least I didn't initiate it – for once.)
      Best regards,


      • I have the CD-ROMs Spry used to put out that have posts and threads going back to 1996 or so. I'm not sure if you can still order those.

        Yours truly,

        Tom Wescott


        • I think casebook started in 1996, right?
          I'm not sure I'd care too much to read the early posts. Out of personal curiosity, perhaps, but I'm willing to bet that it required a couple years before the Ripperology community gathered up, and the really relevant research and discussions started going on. (But very possibly I'm mistaken.)
          I'm also willing to bet that the really dramatic fights and the scandalous stuff has been all removed from the CD-ROMs.
          Best regards,


          • Actually, in those early years you'd see a lot more from Paul Begg, Martin Fido, Melvin Harris, and Stewart Evans.

            Yours truly,

            Tom Wescott


            • I was expecting SPE, Begg, and Fido, but who's Melvin Harris?
              (Don't shoot me for being a newbie.)
              Best regards,


              • Author of three Ripper books and a pioneer debunker of the Maybrick 'diary'.

                Yours truly,

                Tom Wescott


                • Oh, OK. (Diary: no wonder I hadn't known about him.)
                  Thank you for all the info, Tom.
                  Best regards,


                  • Double Event

                    Double Event

                    I have put together a timeline of the so called "double event".
                    Its just a draft, and keep in mind that it is just an assumption.
                    If you have corrections/ things to add to it just send me a message or reply.
                    (download link below)

                    Do you think it is possible that the ripper got interupted by Diemschultz, and went to seek a new victim? Is it possible that he was still near when Diemschultz was found Stride, and that he "fleed" when Diemschultz went into the Club to get help?

                    Looking forward to your replies
                    " The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. "

                    Albert Einstein


                    • Couldn't seem to open the link.

                      On timelines and JtR my basis position is that all timings are probably taken too literally. In 1888 I doubt whether much accuracy to more than (say) 15 minutes (roughly the intervals at which church clocks might have chimed) was to be expected. So chronology is difficult from the start.

                      If Jack killed Stride then he was probably disturbed by Diemschitz (is that now the accepted spelling?) as we would need an explanation for the lack of mutilations. On the other hand, if Kidney (or a n other) killed Long Liz, he might just have slit her throat and slipped away. That would explain the reference in Sugden to a sighting of a man cleaning a knife in a nearby street - something I don't think Jack would have had time or inclination to do.

                      However, what if there were two murderers that night - a chronology would be unlikely to help us, unless somehow to prove that one man could not have done both murders (and frankly I don't see that negative as possible to prove).

                      I remain open minded, but as I said in another thread, I think that positing TWO killers allows a greater understanding of the Eddowes murder and what might have led up to it, to be explored. I don't think enough thought has yet been given to that possibility.



                      • I made the timeline more for my own understanding (since I`m quite new to the case) and thought it was nice to share it here, for other "beginners" like myself

                        this one should work (i hope)

                        greetings Lukas
                        " The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. "

                        Albert Einstein


                        • Im sharing that belive too,
                          animals, especially horses can sense earthquakes or other disasters hours in advance.
                          " The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. "

                          Albert Einstein


                          • I voted "yes" but if there had been a "not really sure" option I'd have selected that.


                            • Originally posted by Haskins View Post
                              I voted "yes" but if there had been a "not really sure" option I'd have selected that.
                              A definite yes from me.

                              Many things he couldn't control, but murdering prostitutes (occasional or otherwise) in a dark spot by means of rendering her unconscious and slitting her throat while she was on the ground with the blood flowing away from him; is the consistent in all of this.

                              Doesn't seem to be a domestic to me. How many domestics are done in such a manner?

                              Far, far likelier than Tabram.


                              • Something to consider is that if 'Jack' (the mutilation killer of Nichols & Chapman) did NOT kill Stride, he did not know what was going on with the commotion resulting from that murder. If he DID kill Stride, he's been interrupted and is even more on edge for the Eddowes attack. Either way, he's probably sloppy and there might have been more clues left at the Mitre Square location than any of the previous murder sites. With modern techniques, he might have been caught.

