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What makes her such a likely candidate?

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  • #16
    Hello you all!

    This is from the Victims introduction about Diemschutz's pony:

    "... Immediately at the entrace, his pony shied and refused to proceed -- ..."

    Since horses and ponies have perhaps the best senses of all animals, that would suggest the killer being still near, I think!

    All the best
    "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


    • #17
      Hi Jukka,
      Originally posted by j.r-ahde View Post
      "... Immediately at the entrace, his pony shied and refused to proceed -- ..."

      Since horses and ponies have perhaps the best senses of all animals, that would suggest the killer being still near, I think!
      I'm not sure that horses and ponies have any more acute senses than other animals (no more than, say, dogs, bats or eagles) but whether this is the case or not, the pony's actions are not inconsistent with its detecting "a body, oozin' life" in its path.
      Last edited by Sam Flynn; 07-28-2008, 12:39 PM.
      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


      • #18
        Is there any contemporary account that says that Liz was considered a Ripper victim before Catherine was found?? I am only asking as I don't know.
        In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


        • #19
          Isn't it more logical to assume that JtR was disturbed by Schwartz and Pipeman..they all flee the scene, a few miutes later the body is discovered by Deimschutz. The Pony shy's because it senses her body.

          By which time Liz stride is almost or close to death.



          • #20
            Originally posted by KatBradshaw View Post
            Is there any contemporary account that says that Liz was considered a Ripper victim before Catherine was found?? I am only asking as I don't know.
            Hello Kat

            This is The Star on 1 October:

            "THE terror of Whitechapel has walked again, and this time has marked down two victims, one hacked and disfigured beyond discovery, the other with her throat cut and torn. .... Crafty blood-thirst is written on every line of Sunday morning's doings, The rapid walk from Berner-street to Aldgate, to find a fresh victim, the reckless daring of the deed - in itself the most dangerous and cunning of all the murderer's resources - these all point to some epileptic outbreak of homicidal mania."

            Clearly they are thinking of one individual (or pair) having committed both.

            Very little is ever said about the sighting which Sugden spotted in the Star, of our Jolly Jack in Church Lane at about 1.30 am who seems to match the suspect descriptions of Marshall and Lawende. This to me is just as important a factor to consider as the circumstances of the two crimes, the type of wounds etc.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Carrotty Nell View Post
              Clearly they are thinking of one individual (or pair) having committed both.
              ...but by the time that report came out, Nell, the "Double Event" had already happened. Kat was asking whether anyone, in the short time betwen "Event 1" and "Event 2" attributed Stride's murder to the Ripper. I daresay some did, but we might never know because the two crimes were publicised together, and have been inextricably linked in people's minds ever since.
              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                ...but by the time that report came out, Nell, the "Double Event" had already happened. Kat was asking whether anyone, in the short time betwen "Event 1" and "Event 2" attributed Stride's murder to the Ripper. I daresay some did, but we might never know because the two crimes were publicised together, and have been inextricably linked in people's minds ever since.
                Just to add an interesting aside to that comment. As far as I'm aware the first written reference to 'Jack the Ripper' occurs in the notes of Elizebeth Strides preist (check Andy and Sue Palours book), where he claims Liz was a victim of Jack the Ripper.

                So you might claim that Liz was the first and only victim of Jack the Ripper, the rest got done by leather apron



                • #23
                  Carrotty Nell writes:

                  "Very little is ever said about the sighting which Sugden spotted in the Star, of our Jolly Jack in Church Lane at about 1.30 am who seems to match the suspect descriptions of Marshall and Lawende. "

                  Wow, Nell - that is quite a broad spectre you´re allowing for there: MArshall described his man as a respectably clad man, whereas Lawendes guy was nothing of the sort. Shabby, was the expression used.
                  But Church Lane - now there´s something that is genuinely interesting!

                  The best, Nell!



                  • #24
                    I think Mr Hinton has made a valid point when he says many might discount Stride as she is a departure from previous MO, if only based on the fact he was likely seen before killing.

                    Youll note that I suggest Broadshouldered Man, even though most might assign him footnote status......would be seen by Schwartz. If Schwartzs account is relayed to us fairly accurately, Broadshouldered Man is not only the most likely man to eventually kill Liz after being seen "assaulting" her minutes from the time, and just feet from "the location of her murder.....but he is also then the most likely man for some to be Jack as well, because the yard was entered and sworn empty just before BS Man arrives, by Eagles and Laves testimony, and the only three men known to have been anywhere near the gates from 12:40 until 1 are BSMan, Schwartz, and across the street, Pipeman.

                    I know many feel Jack changes MO like socks, or showed his true "calling" if you will when left alone indoors with a woman, but surely those who feel that way dont expect others to imagine that Jack just materializes in Dutfields Yard at the last moment. That is asking a little much,...first we must buy she only had one cut because there was an interruption ....a claim that is quite frankly without any substantive proof and in fact contrary to Dr Blackwells estimates..but no evidence is seen in either the deceased's demeanor or as partial acts.....and now Jack is not the only man known to be onsite after 12:46...BSMan,..... but he somehow appears, independently?

                    I think there should be a rule two implausible arguments can be used to create a Canonization.

                    I think to pin this on Jack you'll need to assume BS Man was that makes 3 implausibles. 1), that he changed his MO to just murder the first of his double-header night,...and that he was interrupted, 2,.... and then 3,... that BSMan is not him.

                    Best regards all.
                    Last edited by Guest; 07-29-2008, 03:15 AM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by perrymason View Post
                      I think Mr Hinton has made a valid point when he says many might discount Stride as she is a departure from previous MO, if only based on the fact he was likely seen before killing.

                      Youll note that I suggest Broadshouldered Man, even though most might assign him footnote status......would be seen by Schwartz. If Schwartzs account is relayed to us fairly accurately, Broadshouldered Man is not only the most likely man to eventually kill Liz after being seen "assaulting" her minutes from the time, and just feet from "the location of her murder.....but he is also then the most likely man for some to be Jack as well, because the yard was entered and sworn empty just before BS Man arrives, by Eagles and Laves testimony, and the only three men known to have been anywhere near the gates from 12:40 until 1 are BSMan, Schwartz, and across the street, Pipeman.

                      I know many feel Jack changes MO like socks, or showed his true "calling" if you will when left alone indoors with a woman, but surely those who feel that way dont expect others to imagine that Jack just materializes in Dutfields Yard at the last moment. That is asking a little much,...first we must buy she only had one cut because there was an interruption ....a claim that is quite frankly without any substantive proof and in fact contrary to Dr Blackwells estimates..but no evidence is seen in either the deceased's demeanor or as partial acts.....and now Jack is not the only man known to be onsite after 12:46...BSMan,..... but he somehow appears, independently?

                      I think there should be a rule two implausible arguments can be used to create a Canonization.

                      I think to pin this on Jack you'll need to assume BS Man was that makes 3 implausibles. 1), that he changed his MO to just murder the first of his double-header night,...and that he was interrupted, 2,.... and then 3,... that BSMan is not him.

                      Best regards all.
                      You know, I think I'm starting to regret I even started this thread...
                      What's all this then?


                      • #26
                        Hello Evgueni!

                        You will notice in time, that many threads here tend to make odd turns!

                        All the best
                        "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                          ...but by the time that report came out, Nell, the "Double Event" had already happened. Kat was asking whether anyone, in the short time betwen "Event 1" and "Event 2" attributed Stride's murder to the Ripper. I daresay some did, but we might never know because the two crimes were publicised together, and have been inextricably linked in people's minds ever since.
                          Yes Sam Flynn that was what I was asking. I just wondered if there were any police notes or records that the murder of Liz was imediately attriubuted to JTR. I am sure that there were conversations about her being the work of the ripper but would have been interesting to see it in print. As you say all of the newspaper reports have the double event reported together. Although we have to remember that news papers often get it wrong. I have a front page asserting that Princess Diana had survived the crash that killed her. And many papers covered the story that the Titanic was ok and heading for New York.
                          In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
                            Carrotty Nell writes:

                            Wow, Nell - that is quite a broad spectre you´re allowing for there: MArshall described his man as a respectably clad man, whereas Lawendes guy was nothing of the sort. Shabby, was the expression used.

                            Hello Fisherman, it was actually the sailor hat I was thinking of - that's why I called him Jolly Jack. But this was Sugden's baby, so pretty authoritative. Sailor hat in Berner Street c.11.45, Sailor hat in Church Lane c.1.30, Sailor hat in Duke's Place c. 1.35 - odd coincidence.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by perrymason View Post
                              I think there should be a rule two implausible arguments can be used to create a Canonization.
                              And who do you think should decide what's an implausible argument? Surely it can't be someone who seriously claims Jack may not have killed more than one victim...

                              Dan Norder
                              Ripper Notes: The International Journal for Ripper Studies
                              Web site: - Email:


                              • #30
                                Why is it that serial killers are not allowed to even slightly deviate from their previous M.O.'s? Is it some sort of union rule?


