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"I think I know him"

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  • #31

    Hello Jon.

    "I understand Kate and John returned on the Tuesday, the Casual Ward incident occurred on Friday."

    John claimed Thursday.



    • #32
      Ah yes, thanks Lynn, "Thursday", so she had Friday, and Saturday to go to the police, a short walk up Commercial St.?
      Last edited by Wickerman; 07-16-2013, 01:37 AM.
      Regards, Jon S.


      • #33
        Hi Jon

        Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
        We do have a clue. If the reported words were correct, that she "came back" (from Hopping) to claim the reward, that would suggest she found out while Hopping, or before.
        Could be she knew the strange Edward McKenna who was also hop picking and subsequently picked up by the Police on his return, for being strange.


        • #34
          Hi Lynn

          Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
          Could be. Of course, even IF John and Kate had not returned the first week of September, they would have need to discuss the killings with the Kentish people, for they would be the only Londoners about.
          I doubt that very much, we know that the Birrells and Edward McKenna were out there too.


          • #35
            What shall we talk about?

            Hello Jon. Thanks.

            Indeed. But a trip to chat up the police was the LAST thing Kate (or John) wanted--in my humble opinion.



            • #36
              Get back to where you once belonged.

              Hello Jon. Thanks.

              Yes, the Birrells were out there; but, they were heading back a few weeks before (according to John).



              • #37
                Hi Lynn

                I thought the Birrells walked back part of the way with Eddowes and Kelly?


                • #38
                  3 weeks

                  Hello Jon. Thanks.

                  They did indeed.

                  Of course, that was about three weeks BEFORE. Which would make it about the first week in September--as I have indicated.



                  • #39
                    Hi Lynn

                    Three weeks before what ?


                    • #40
                      time marker

                      Hello Jon. Thanks.

                      Three weeks before John's narration of the tale.



                      • #41
                        A couple of reports indicate the crop harvest was sporadic, not a widespread failure.

                        THE HOP HARVEST

                        A Worcester correspondent writes:- "Planters are now very anxious about the weather, which is very cold for the time of year, and has been very rough, and complaints are made that the plantations in this district suffered a good deal from the gale of Tuesday night. Messrs. J.H. Meredith and Co. report that the plantations remain generally in the same doubtful and varying condition as during the last few weeks. In some gardens the hops are fully developed, promising fair quality and only requiring fine, warm weather to make them ready for picking in about ten days' time. Elsewhere blight still increases, and in such places the result can only be a small crop of inferior quality."
                        Morning Advertiser, 3 Sept.

                        BAD LUCK FOR HOP-PICKERS.

                        The unfortunate people who have gone hop-picking this year seem to have had a decided poor time of it. Many who went to the gardens in hope are walking back in despair, having got nothing to do. One lad who, with three others, last week, walked to Maidstone informs us that he found the "home-dwellers" were able to accomplish all the work there was to do, and his opinion is that Maidstone is the best place for hops this year ; but outsiders could get nothing to do. He went to Yalding, and there discovered that, for the most part, the hops were not considered worth picking. After trying many quarters for work, he started to walk back to London, having earning nothing during his stay in the hop district. His experience seems to be that of a great many more.
                        Echo, 5 Sept.

                        Just like the 49'ers in the Gold Rush, the prospect that "I'll have better luck" is what keeps them coming in droves.
                        Regards, Jon S.


                        • #42
                          J & K

                          Hello Jon. Thanks for posting these. I am quite familiar with the latter.

                          How do you think John and Kate made out?



                          • #43
                            Hi Lynn.

                            The Advertiser article appears to refer to the West Midlands, I thought it was just that Meredith & Co. were based in the West Midlands, but maybe not.

                            There is a school archive (Macefield, near Rowley Regis) which advises that schools are to close for the Hop-picking season (p.4), from 28th August - 21st Sept.

                            I wonder if this was a nationwide tradition as Hop plantations were spread across South England and would likely mature about the same time. If so, it appears that John & Kate set out (to Kent) during the last two weeks of the season.

                            I don't see reason to doubt John's story, especially at the time he was being interviewed he was stressed and visibly upset.
                            Last edited by Wickerman; 07-16-2013, 01:08 PM.
                            Regards, Jon S.


                            • #44

                              Hello Jon. Thanks.

                              "It appears that John & Kate set out (to Kent) during the last two weeks of the season."

                              Could be. But if so, they set out from other than Cooney's. (See Wilkinson's testimony.)

                              "I don't see reason to doubt John's story, especially at the time he was being interviewed he was stressed and visibly upset."

                              Nor yet I. In his interview he indicated that:

                              1. They began the trek back to London 3 weeks previously.

                              2. After their return, many days they had no food or shelter.

                              Heartily agree with that.



                              • #45
                                Hi All,

                                You pays your money and you takes your choice with John Kelly.

                                Echo [later edition], 3rd October 1888—

                                "In the summer time we always went down into Kent hopping. We used sometimes to get on very well, but this year there was a bad crop, and it didn't pay us. We had to walk home after we finished. About three weeks ago, on the road, we picked up with another couple. They used to live in London, and the woman made Kate take a pawnticket she had for a flannel shirt that had been 'popped' at Jones's, in Church-street. It was only for ninepence, but Kate took it, and we got the money. The other couple didn't come on to London, but went North."


                                Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.

