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"I think I know him"

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  • #16
    Here is a little more on the Montagu offer from an article ("Pardon Me: Spin Control at the Home Office?") for Ripperologist a few years back.

    And it was then that an essentially simple matter became yet another major political thorn in Warren’s side. The message from the Home Office to Montagu was evidently delayed and moreover the Member for Whitechapel was aggrieved that his letter about a reward, first sent to the police, was not handled immediately by the force. After disputing the wisdom of the Home Office decision, Montagu went on to complain:
    On Monday the 10th inst. about mid-day I made my offer to Inspector West. He stated he would submit it to you. On Tuesday he called here & said that the proposal had been submitted to the Home Office & he thought it would be favourably received. I regret that you did not obtain the decision of the Home Secy. at once by telegram, because on Tuesday my proposal must have transpired & was published in the daily papers on Wednesday last.
    Under these circumstances it is too late to withdraw my offer & in case information is received, leading to conviction of the murderer or murderers, I must pay the £100 to the person entitled to receive.
    Forget about a woman scorned, Hell truly hath no fury like a politician embarrassed (politically and financially). Nor did Warren help by churlishly replying to Montagu that if he had wanted a telegraphic reply he should have said so.

    "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


    • #17
      Those seeking more information on my arguments against the story that Eddowes claimed she knew the Ripper being true may find it here Grave-Spitting & Other Tall Tales in the Dissertations section of Casebook.

      "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


      • #18

        Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
        Hello Pat. I wonder which reward that was and how well it was publicised?

        Perhaps the one from the vigilance committee?

        IF Kate were in Kent, how would she have heard of this reward? And when did she come by the knowledge of the killer, if she did?

        I wonder whether her "fire engine" impression is not merely an apocryphal tale?

        Hello Lynn,

        Never underestimate the power of the grapevine - or should that be hop vine.

        Best wishes,


        • #19
          tall tales

          Hello Don. And here's to fewer tall tales where the case is concerned.



          • #20

            Hello Gwyneth. Thanks.

            Could be. Of course, even IF John and Kate had not returned the first week of September, they would have need to discuss the killings with the Kentish people, for they would be the only Londoners about.



            • #21
              Originally posted by Damaso Marte View Post
              I'm sure that everybody in Whitechapel suspected that one of their stranger friends (or customers) was the killer, or at least entertained the possibility to some extent.
              That is pretty much the category I would place this claim under. As common as it was for people to speculate on who they think the killer might be, this one instance stands out because this time the speculator ended up a victim.

              And that is the only reason we are able to read about it today.
              Regards, Jon S.


              • #22
                Talking of rewards, they are mentioned right from the start. This is the day after the Nichols murder

                'On the assumption that the crime was committed by one of a "High Rip" gang, some of whose names are known, the police are, it is stated, empowered by the Chief Commissioner to give money payment to those who give confidential statements, with the additional assurance that any one who turn's Queen's evidence against the actual perpetrator will be at once pardoned of any participation he may have had in the matter.'

                The Echo 1st September


                • #23
                  I wonder whether her "fire engine" impression is not merely an apocryphal tale?
                  I also wonder what a fire engine impression would actually consist of; not "blues and twos" obviously. Throwing water (or worse) about perhaps?

                  Fire engine, mobile (nowadays self-propelled) piece of equipment used in firefighting. Early fire engines were hand pumps equipped with reservoirs and were moved to the scene of a fire by human or animal power. For large fires, the reservoir was kept filled by a bucket brigade, but that method was

                  "Early fire engines were hand pumps equipped with reservoirs". Impersonating a water pump?

                  As for the alleged claim to have known the killer, if it had any basis in truth, who or what put the idea into her head? As another poster has pointed out, she herself died, probably at the same hand, shortly after (supposedly) making the claim. probably coincidence, but possibly not.
                  I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                  • #24

                    Hello Colin. Thanks.

                    "As for the alleged claim to have known the killer, if it had any basis in truth, who or what put the idea into her head?"

                    Well, many of us think we know whom the killer is. What puts that idea in our heads? (heh-heh)



                    • #25

                      Hello (again) Colin.

                      But I think it might be fruitful to try to parse out her talk of rewards.

                      Recall that there was an apocryphal story about Kate receiving money from some bloke about a week before she died. The CoL police followed up on it.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                        Hello Colin. Thanks.

                        Well, many of us think we know whom the killer is. What puts that idea in our heads? (heh-heh)

                        Well in your case, presumably, it's a study of contemporary sources - rather more scientific than the anagrams and artwork analysis used by some !
                        I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Bridewell View Post

                          As I read it, either the story is nonsense or Eddowes suspected John Kelly of being the killer. Kelly was supposedly in poor health but, as another poster pointed out on a different thread, he seems to have been fit enough to walk 35 miles in a single day. If she did say it, is it capable of any other interpretation than that she suspected Kelly?
                          Perhaps Eddowes' inside knowledge was of a relative, but not of John Kelly.



                          • #28
                            If Kate had suspected Kelly, she certainly took her sweet time in going to the police. Likewise, if she had, I can't imagine her saying anything to anybody until she told the police, so no, Kelly was not on her mind.

                            I doubt there was any substance to the claim, its just gossip.
                            Regards, Jon S.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                              If Kate had suspected Kelly, she certainly took her sweet time in going to the police.
                              Wouldn't that depend on when the suspicion was formed?
                              I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
                                Wouldn't that depend on when the suspicion was formed?
                                We do have a clue. If the reported words were correct, that she "came back" (from Hopping) to claim the reward, that would suggest she found out while Hopping, or before.
                                I understand Kate and John returned on the Tuesday, the Casual Ward incident occurred on Friday.

                                So, at the very least Kate appears to have dwelt on the matter all day Wed. & Thurs. and even when brought into Bishopsgate Saturday evening, she is not reported as making a claim for the reward.
                                That suggests to me she took her sweet time, or there is no truth in the tale beyond gossip.
                                Regards, Jon S.

