Originally posted by harry
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The two bits for Long are not from the witness transcripts, those are listed at the beginings and appear to be an official "header page" type thing, indicating who either is to testify, and about what, or who did testify and about what (I don't know if it's a summary/index made from the police statements prior to the inquest, and so a sort of "role call" type thing, or if they were made after the inquest to go at the start of the transcripts.
Later ones, showing Eliza Gold's mark and John Kelly's signatures, show the inquest witness transripts, taken in long hand, signed/marked by the witness and the next statement beginning immediately afterwards. The general appearance is that the witness, upon completing their testimony, goes over to the court recorder, signs the page, and then the next witness starts their presentation. There would be no time to transcribe from short hand, and if they did, one would expect each witness to be on their own set of pages and for the document to be written more neatly. These look to be the transcript written as the witness spoke, and so taken in long hand. You may interpret them differently, but without some sort of indication they were done differently, the documents we have do not have the appearance of being a 2nd draft in my view. That's why I've said in the past the testimony was taken in long hand, but of course, feel free to draw your own conclusions. As you say, it's a side issue, but one I thought worth presenting the basis for my view so others may decide for themselves.
- Jeff