Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
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Why do you make a point of them not mentioning that the 2 pieces made a whole but you refuse to make a point of them not mentioning that they didn’t?
After all why would they have mentioned specifically that the two parts made up a whole? It was implied. They had a piece of apron with the body and another found at GS. And yet if they knew that there was a piece missing missing then we would expect to have had it mentioned specifically, and it wasn’t. Because there wasn’t any part missing.
You’re on a fishing expedition Trevor. An exercise in pointless and very selective nitpicking.
“The last time I saw her in the Police Cell was at 10 to 9. She was wearing an apron. I believe the apron produced was the one she was wearing.”
“I noticed she was wearing an apron.”
“He believed she was wearing an apron on Saturday morning.”
Guess what?
She was wearing an apron. Of that there can be no doubt except for an entirely deliberate attempt to create a theory from nothing.
