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Florence The Ripperess

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  • #16
    Originally posted by caz View Post

    I understand all the reasons for Florence not being Jack the Ripper.

    What I'm not so sure about is how a diary written by anyone after Maybrick's death could be considered proof that he wasn't, or make the very idea absurd.

    If someone faked a diary portraying William Bury as Jack, would it be proof that he wasn't? Might it depend on how badly or how recently you judged it to have been faked? Would your favourite chant have been: "Rubbish! The diary was odds-on faked by a loser, so the idea that Bury was Jack is absurd"?

    IMHO, as an unidentified serial offender, Jack was more likely to have been one of the many thousands of men who drew no attention to themselves at the time of the murders, than among the few names that were either crossed off the list or could not be connected to more than one crime scene or victim at most. The police were falling over themselves to catch the killer but, to their credit, they didn't collectively go for the low hanging fruit or pick the lowest one to hang for a series of murders. There were also many false Jacks, who were disturbed enough to 'confess' to the murders, with no credible evidence against them and no reason to believe their stories.


    But the diary was in all likelihood written by Anne and Mike Barrett. Bury may well have been Jack. If a diary turned up reportedly by Bury claiming to be Jack then it might strengthen the case for him being the Ripper however of it was a phony diary created by a conman and his wife it would not have any bearing on wether Bury was the Ripper or not.


    • #17
      Bury can’t make it out the front door.

      Florence is way more cold-blooded. They said she had vacant eyes.


      • #18
        Florence Maybrick is a far better suspect than William Bury. She had the motive, the means, and the intelligence. It’s not even a debate.

        The Baron


        • #19
          Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

          But the diary was in all likelihood written by Anne and Mike Barrett. Bury may well have been Jack. If a diary turned up reportedly by Bury claiming to be Jack then it might strengthen the case for him being the Ripper however of it was a phony diary created by a conman and his wife it would not have any bearing on wether Bury was the Ripper or not.
          The subject has been reduced to this John. A murderer, mutilator, violent past, drunkard, knife carrier, linked to prostitutes, troubled early life, criminal, living in the vicinity and on the other hand a woman raised in a genteel manner who was falsely accused of poisoning whilst living in Liverpool! Would you have believed the subject could sink so low? What an embarrassment when people read the content. It’s a sad state of affairs.

          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • #20
            I mentioned this before in the diary thread. According to the author of the book Did She Kill Him the police damn near tore the house apart in searching for clues as to Maybrick's death. Make of it what you will.



            • #21
              Originally posted by The Baron View Post
              Florence Maybrick is a far better suspect than William Bury. She had the motive, the means, and the intelligence. It’s not even a debate.

              The Baron
              Absolutely ridiculous post.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                The subject has been reduced to this John. A murderer, mutilator, violent past, drunkard, knife carrier, linked to prostitutes, troubled early life, criminal, living in the vicinity and on the other hand a woman raised in a genteel manner who was falsely accused of poisoning whilst living in Liverpool! Would you have believed the subject could sink so low? What an embarrassment when people read the content. It’s a sad state of affairs.
                Absolutely ridiculous post.

                But that's a nice scoring system you got. You just need to flip it upsidedown.
                Last edited by Lombro2; 02-22-2025, 08:18 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Lombro2 View Post
                  Absolutely ridiculous post.

                  But that's a nice scoring system you got. You just need to flip it upsidedown.
                  Perhaps I should add “named in an obviously forged diary” to the list of criteria?

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Lombro2 View Post

                    Bury can’t make it out the front door.

                    YES. YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!

                    Bury couldn’t make it out the front door if it was wide open, if there were neon signs pointing the way, if a marching band escorted him with trumpets blaring. Bury couldn’t make it out the front door if the laws of physics bent in his favor, if time itself paused to give him a head start. He’d trip, he’d stumble, he’d turn in circles like a lost puppy, until finally, FINALLY, he’d do the only thing he’s capable of, walk straight into disaster.

                    Yes! YES! This is the truth, the absolute, undeniable, inescapable truth! If Bury was given a map, a guide, and magical intervention, he’d still find a way to fail! The front door is his Everest, his impossible dream, his great undoing!

                    I have never agreed with anything more in my LIFE.

                    The Baron
                    Last edited by The Baron; 02-22-2025, 08:54 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by John Wheat View Post

                      But the diary was in all likelihood written by Anne and Mike Barrett. Bury may well have been Jack. If a diary turned up reportedly by Bury claiming to be Jack then it might strengthen the case for him being the Ripper however of it was a phony diary created by a conman and his wife it would not have any bearing on wether Bury was the Ripper or not.
                      That was kind of my point, John.

                      A phony diary - before the author has been positively identified [and not just suspected by the court of popular opinion] - has no bearing on whether its main character had killed once in real life, or several times, or never.

                      In the same way, The Scottish Play has no bearing on what its main character did or didn't do in life.

                      This is why I think Chris Jones is going about this in an oddly illogical way. Once he had satisfied himself that the diary was a phony, which could not have been written by the real James Maybrick, he should have dropped it like a hot brick, instead of which he is still using its 'phony' contents, written by God knows whom and God knows when, to argue that if Maybrick had been the killer, he'd have mentioned this, or that, or the other - in this same phony diary.

                      Do you see the problem?


                      "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by The Baron View Post

                        YES. YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!

                        Bury couldn’t make it out the front door if it was wide open, if there were neon signs pointing the way, if a marching band escorted him with trumpets blaring. Bury couldn’t make it out the front door if the laws of physics bent in his favor, if time itself paused to give him a head start. He’d trip, he’d stumble, he’d turn in circles like a lost puppy, until finally, FINALLY, he’d do the only thing he’s capable of, walk straight into disaster.

                        Yes! YES! This is the truth, the absolute, undeniable, inescapable truth! If Bury was given a map, a guide, and magical intervention, he’d still find a way to fail! The front door is his Everest, his impossible dream, his great undoing!

                        I have never agreed with anything more in my LIFE.

                        The Baron
                        Ridiculous post.


                        • #27
                          "Bury can't make it out the front door."

                          And I said that before I found out he stuffed his wife in a crate and left her in the flat. He couldn't even make it out the front door of his home after the crime with the body.

                          Not even a good copycat!... Most copycats will actually make it out their own front door and make it look like a serial killer did it and won't stay home and try to cover it up.
                          Last edited by Lombro2; 03-03-2025, 10:46 PM.

