Originally posted by GBinOz
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I also note that in The Times inquest testimony Neil states "he had not heard any disturbance that night and the furthest he had been was up Bakers Row to the Whitechapel Road and was never far away from the crime scene"
As to the cape issue I did read thatPC Thain allegedly made a detour to Harrison, Barber and Company, a slaughter-house on Winthrop Street, where his cloak had been left by the day constable. Now I have to ask how could that have happened, surely Pc Neil going out on night patrol would have needed his cape, even if he knew where it had been left he would have gone and retreived it as soon as he came on duty, and why would another constable have his cape they were all issued with their own numberd capes
The more these police officers account are closley scrutinized the more they give cause for concern as to their reliability