Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
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Evidence of innocence
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Originally posted by Greenway View Post
If either one had said anything negative about the case against Lechmere it wouldn't make the final cut - that's not how these types of documentaries are made. I thought it was a good, well made documentary, but there was no intention to present a balanced case (which is their prerogative).
All the best.
Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
Are you suggesting that Scobie might have had reservations but didn’t voice them because he craved his 5 mins of fame?
All the best.
Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
Are you suggesting that Scobie might have had reservations but didn’t voice them because he craved his 5 mins of fame?
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It is starting to look like he'll do anything to be famous.
All the best.Last edited by Greenway; 09-30-2021, 10:34 AM.
Originally posted by Greenway View Post
He features in this 'Grime' (urban popular music) video (about 3 minutes in):
It is starting to look like he'll do anything to be famous.
All the best.
Originally posted by Greenway View Post
He features in this 'Grime' (urban popular music) video (about 3 minutes in):
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It is starting to look like he'll do anything to be famous.
All the best.
Is that the one? He’s doorstepped outside the Old Bailey and looking rather embarrassed accepts the outstretched hand of the Grime performer.
Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
No he is not, barristers gets appointed by the crown on a case to case basis sometimes they are instructed by the defence.
This is another misleading statement made by Fish
Originally posted by Greenway View Post
Apologies - fixed now.
All the best
The reason I ask is that you could have chosen this much shorter clip. (Perhaps the title wasn’t to your liking?)
Originally posted by Greenway View Post
If he voiced any reservations they wouldn't make the final cut - if he didn't say anything positive about the case he wouldn't make the final cut.
All the best.
Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
Then you will of course be able to point out where I have said that Scobie is a crown prosecutor? Thank you in advance!
Sounds to me like you’ve got ‘em on the ropes, Fish,
Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
There is no way that on the facts and evidence you have put forward that Lechmere would have been charged and appeared at court. That statement is based on over 30 years of dealing with criminal cases at all levels and so I think I have enough knowledge to offer that opinion as to what evidnce is required to form a prima facie case.
How it works is that the police gather the information and evidence, a decision is then made as whether they have enough evidence to charge a person,or they may send it to a barrister such as Scobie for a legal opinion as to whether there is sufficient to charge someone.
Based on what we know and what you have provided and all the flaws in your theory which have been identified there would not be enough evidence to charge him. So that is wht Scobies contribution to the program is flawed because he clearly was not provided with the full facts and had he been he would not have beel led up the garden path by Blink films who simply provided him with your original theory missing out the point that negate what to postulate.
In an earlier reply to one of my posts you make mention of the recruitment of contributers and if I recall you told Blink films that you didnt want any ripperolgists to take part, now I wonder why that was, I guess that would be to prevent any of them showing the flaws in you theory? That wouldnt make good viewing !!!!!!!!!!!
www.trevormarriott.co.ukLast edited by Fisherman; 09-30-2021, 10:50 AM.