Originally posted by Darryl Kenyon
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Before this photos were show to witnesses from albums, or line ups were used to test a witnesses identification. If a suspect would not stand on a parade, as a last resort a direct confrontation would take place usually by a witness being take to the suspects cell and making an ID there. Of course that without any corroborating evidence would not stand up in court. There was also what was called dock identifications where a witness would point out the person who was already seated in the dock, again for obvious reasons his was unsafe with corroborating evidence.
For all ID procedures a suspect has to be arrested first.
Nowadays it is all done on video with the suspect agreeing to have a 30 second video clip made of him, that is then put together with 8 others of similar description etc and the video is then shown to the victim who will beaked to make a positive ID
If the suspect refuses then the police will put together a parade using just photos and the court would be made aware that this was done because the suspect would not co-operate, With what they can do now with his system its much fairer than the old lineups.
I dealt with a case some time ago involving a Rastafarian with unique dreadlocks, the police then replicated his dreadlocks onto the heads of the others being used in the parade. so we finished up with 9 Rastafarians who all looked the same, and the witnesses still picked the suspect out.