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The profession of Jack the Ripper.

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  • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
    ........ unless you can prove what you say to the World, the World will to judge you wrong. That is how the World works, be in science, medicine or Ripperology.
    I would amend that to read "unless you provide any any information that could be logically used to affirm your assertions, you have contributed nothing to these discussions, and therefore merit no consideration".


    • ^ El_pombo, I don't believe that the streets would be crowded at that hour of the morning. They were later, however. When PC Long found Kate's apron and the graffito at the Wentworth Model Buildings it was 2:55am.

      After the decision by Warren the GSG was wiped at around 5:30am, the reason being it was getting light and, there were costermongers and others getting ready for the Petticoat Lane market, so the public was astir and the streets around would become crowded.

      There's no evidence that the public were crowding streets around Mitre Square earlier. The Square itself was described as, away from business hours 'as dull and lonely a spot as can be found anywhere in London'.

      Aldgate itself was quite well lighted, even at 1:45am in the morning. However, IMO, even if the pubs remained open, there would be few people tramping around the streets at that hour on a night in which it had been raining solidly for hours.
      Last edited by Rosella; 01-14-2016, 01:52 PM.


      • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
        Yes, I have.
        Then publish it.

        If it backs you, great.

        However I recall you saying:

        "6.He wrote a letter to the editor in a paper not signing it “Jack the Ripper” where he gave the exact address to one of the murder sites. "

        This of course proved to be untrue, it was your interpretation that produced an address it was not in the letter, so you can see why I am less than convinced by your simple:

        "yes, I have"


        • Come on Pierre, put up or shut up. If you have documentation from your suspect to either the City or Met police officials let's see it. I certainly hope you aren't talking about the September missive to Commissioner Fraser referring to Annie Chapman, and to him committing '10 more' murders, because that would be most disappointing!


          • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

            firstly learn how to reply properly, the last posting is anything but clear because you reply in bold under my comments in bold, you could at least reduce mine to normal type so that people can see who is saying what.

            Don´t try to lecture me about replying. It is silly. You should know by now that I always reduce your letters to normal when I write. But today I am tired. So don´t take every chance you get to pick on me. It makes you look childish and why the xxxx do I write about that now, do you find it interesting?

            I did not suggest the victims picked him up, but that they led him to the sites,

            I don´t buy it. No, Steve. The serial killer leads his sheep to the slaughter.

            that is a difference you again fail to comprehend,

            FAIL to comprehend! And AGAIN! Oh, dear me. You never loose the slightest possibility, do you Steve?

            given the climate of fear it is likely that the victim s would go somewhere they felt safe, rather than somewhere they did not. Unfortunately you cannot see this.

            Oh. So now I am blind. Well, enlighten me, Steve! You, the one who can see. You, the one who can comprehend. Aren´t you the lucky one, Steve. You really must be something special, don´t you? And weren´t you the one who was speaking of me as "arrogant"? Yes. Indeed.

            Actually, to claim that prostitutes in Spitalfields 1888 "felt safe" is pure rubbish. They just had to do what they had to do.

            "How could it be reduced to an "opinion" that the killer loved taking risks and felt superior when he chose high risk places at a very short distance from one or more police constables? It is a well established fact that he did. Did he do that because he hated risk? Or did he want to get caught? Did he pick very risky murder locations because he felt inferior to the police?"

            No Pierre, it is not a well established fact that he loved taking risks, it is an interpretation of the evidence, it is certainly not established that he felt superior to the police.

            Haha. Read a book about Ted Bundy and the rest of them.

            Because you believe something is true does not make it so, it makes it a possibility and therefore still an opinion, NOT A FACT.

            I do not believe anything and I don´t speak in terms of what is "true". I establish facts. A fact is not "truth".

            "I state things as facts sometimes, and I do that when I think they are facts."

            With no evidence given to support you view, that is not scientific, it is a trait of someone who feels superior to those he is replying to.

            You are really arrogant, Steve.

            "And it is. He did chose them because of their characteristics. He tried performing mutilations on the street at Buck´s Row. That was to dangerous. If he had been able to continue with working on the street he would have done so. He wanted the victims to be visible. He did not, as do many serial killers, hide his victims. He wanted people to see them. Otherwise you don´t murder and mutilate women and leave them on the ground."

            MITRE Square was on the street!

            NO. Look at the map. Streets are not square. They are long. With houses on two sides. Not on FOUR sides (!!!???)

            Its the same over and over again, you may deeply believe what you are writing is the truth,

            And now you say that again. You say the same, over and over again.

            but as you supply no evidence, it is only your opinion, NOTHING MORE!

            I don´t supply evidence. But you don´t have evidence. Only opinions.

            I HAVE NO IMAGE OF YOU, I vary between thinking you are a serious troll or that you really believe in your theory, I really can't make my mine up, but as you are just someone on a forum, its not really important is it!

            And I vary between thinking you are a serious troll or someone else.

            You were the one who claimed to be a scientific researcher, but you show no evidence or any scientific thinking in the things you write.

            "Scientific thinking". What would you know about that?

            I am prepared to say some of the stuff you post is indeed possible, but you will say NO it is a fact, you give the appearance of being completely inflexible.

            Of course it is possible. But I am NOT here to convince you. I just appreciate an interesting discussion. But you FAIL (your favourite word) to discuss without getting personal or OFF TOPIC.

            This is why I have come to feel that talking to you is pointless.
            Your replies to my points in this post are prime examples of this, I say you could say "maybe" or "possibly" and you reject that option, in favour or your being the only view.

            "Am I wrong - or am I right?"

            I have no idea, because you refuse to say anything to allow people to judge.

            However unless you can prove what you say to the World, the World will to judge you wrong. That is how the World works, be in science, medicine or Ripperology.
            This is not the "World". It is just a forum on the internet.
            Last edited by Pierre; 01-14-2016, 02:12 PM.


            • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
              Yes, I have.
              Have a understood this correctly? Are you saying you've actually got some real evidence? Or is that just a misunderstanding on my part?


              • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                Regards Pierre

                "Do you mean that you have been to Mitre Square in 1888?"

                Why would you think that? I have however been there many times over the last 35 years.
                And I feel that your comment below makes my point about relying on only maps as being prone to basic mistakes very clear.

                "I did NOT say it was a yard, I said it was more like a yard than a street (see above)"

                No it is not like a yard, it has 3 public entrances.

                "Where is the third entrance/exit?"

                Are you serious?

                It is a covered passage way at the top of the building labelled Hesseltine, it is is shown by the broken line and the marking denoting a covered passage way.

                You do not know there are 3 exits/entrances, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you basic knowledge is so poor!!!


                • Originally posted by Michael W Richards View Post
                  I would amend that to read "unless you provide any any information that could be logically used to affirm your assertions, you have contributed nothing to these discussions, and therefore merit no consideration".
                  Michael, yes I like that , wish I had written it.



                  • Originally posted by Rosella View Post
                    Come on Pierre, put up or shut up. If you have documentation from your suspect to either the City or Met police officials let's see it. I certainly hope you aren't talking about the September missive to Commissioner Fraser referring to Annie Chapman, and to him committing '10 more' murders, because that would be most disappointing!
                    Certainly not.


                    • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                      I establish facts. A fact is not "truth".
                      Those who scoff at Pierre's claims about his education need to explain how he could possibly have acquired such a level of understanding about the relationship between facts and truth without having spent at least 15 years at university.


                      • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
                        "Do you mean that you have been to Mitre Square in 1888?"

                        Why would you think that? I have however been there many times over the last 35 years.
                        And I feel that your comment below makes my point about relying on only maps as being prone to basic mistakes very clear.

                        "I did NOT say it was a yard, I said it was more like a yard than a street (see above)"

                        No it is not like a yard, it has 3 public entrances.

                        "Where is the third entrance/exit?"

                        Are you serious?

                        It is a covered passage way at the top of the building labelled Hesseltine, it is is shown by the broken line and the marking denoting a covered passage way.

                        You do not know there are 3 exits/entrances, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when you basic knowledge is so poor!!!

                        Steve, there are lots of people here with lots of knowledge about lots of facts. I have very little such knowledge. But I have some other knowledge, Steve. And those with the long catalogues of facts, often collected through years of hard work, have not found the killer. But I think I have. So the poor knowledge of many facts is one thing, the knowledge about the person I think was Jack the Ripper is something entirely different.


                        • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                          This is not the "World". It is just a forum on the internet.
                          Then you are only interested in this forum believeing you and not the world?

                          ""Scientific thinking". What would you know about that?"

                          35 years working in research departments in the medical schools of Two London colleges, thats what!

                          I don't tell you my view is the only view, if you have evidence post it.
                          Last edited by Elamarna; 01-14-2016, 02:30 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                            This is not the "World". It is just a forum on the internet.
                            To Pierre

                            This is true but its a forum you choose to post on. If you have as you claim actually found Jack the Ripper the World will be interested. If not frankly you're going to look a fool.

                            Cheers John


                            • Originally posted by Pierre View Post

                              Steve, there are lots of people here with lots of knowledge about lots of facts. I have very little such knowledge. But I have some other knowledge, Steve. And those with the long catalogues of facts, often collected through years of hard work, have not found the killer. But I think I have. So the poor knowledge of many facts is one thing, the knowledge about the person I think was Jack the Ripper is something entirely different.
                              Pierre has asked me (in the form of metaphorical language hidden in his postings) to make clear that in the above post he is conceding that there were indeed 3 exits/entrances to Mitre Square in 1888 and that he misunderstood the Goad map he posted. But, like he says, such an error in no way reflects on his ability to have identified Jack the Ripper, which he certainly has.


                              • At the moment the only posts that interest me on this forum are Pierre's as they assume that what JTR did wasn't random but deliberate and there is a pattern. I lose interest with arguments that say JTR was disorganised as if that is the case there is little to find out from studying the case. So I agree with you Pierre that Mitre Square is more like a yard than a street (Mitre Street). So much so that one policeman on his beat only looked into it.

                                As I have said I think JTR was interrupted with Elizabeth Stride and looked for an alternative victim the same night because of an URGE and took a greater risk with a larger yard.

                                Even though the Ripper murders were at their height, JTR had no problem finding 5 victims. The argument is that the victims were savvy and would have picked a location. But I suggest on the contrary that if they were afraid, they could have been gripped with fear and before they could react they got their throats cut.

                                At the end of the day it's all about opinion but JTR was never caught and I would argue that is more by design than luck.
                                Last edited by Whitechapel; 01-14-2016, 02:31 PM.

