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I think I have found him.

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  • Hi, everybody!
    While I have been a long time lurker I have never posted here before.
    But I cannot hold back now. I think I found him!!!
    Oh no, not the identity of JtR! I think, Pierre beat me . But I think I know who Pierre is.
    Before everybody is all over me with accusations that I'm just Pierre's sock puppet - no, I'm not. But I truly think I know who he is. And he isn't just a troll. If I'm right I can say that he has a genuinely intriguing theory which ticks many boxes and makes a lot of sense. I don't know if he has or is truly going to have material proof, though. That remains to be seen.
    Will I tell you guys who he is? Not just yet, because it's not that difficult to figure it out. And he might want you to do just that. Because in order to figure it out you have to do some reading and check out Ripper suspects. And if you find one which is highly compatible with Pierre's sparse hints you will find Pierre. And you will be much more inclined to believe him when you have figured it out all by yourself. Maybe that's why he is playing that game. There have been so many surefire suspects around that one has to do new and extraordinary things in order to introduce another new theory.
    He hasn't been entirely straight with his audience, though. I think he might be a long time ripperologist. And his suspect isn't entirely new either. He has been named before. But maybe Pierre is talking more in the allegorical sense. Same with the shocking implications. His suspect wouldn't shock anyone -unless you are inclined to favor a mystical implication. Pierre might've been more or less straight with most other things, though. I'm not quite sure if English is really not his first language. Maybe, maybe not. He certainly can express himself excellently, no?
    Anyway, if he's a troll he's an intelligent one and probably has a lot of genuinely good ideas. Maybe, that's why you are all so intrigued. By the way, it wouldn't make sense to tell you right now who he probably is. He would simply deny it. But as I said, it's not that difficult.
    I'm a criminal psychologist from Germany and hate unsolved riddles. That's why I thought if I can't find out out who the Ripper was I can at least try to figure out who Pierre is and if he's just another troll. I for one don't think so. Maybe that's why the administrator hasn't pulled the plug on this thread, yet.


    • Even worse then to be indulging in such juvenile behaviour. As another member stated: 'just sad'..


      • Originally posted by 1888 View Post
        Hi, everybody!
        While I have been a long time lurker I have never posted here before.
        But I cannot hold back now. I think I found him!!!
        Oh no, not the identity of JtR! I think, Pierre beat me . But I think I know who Pierre is.
        Before everybody is all over me with accusations that I'm just Pierre's sock puppet - no, I'm not. But I truly think I know who he is. And he isn't just a troll. If I'm right I can say that he has a genuinely intriguing theory which ticks many boxes and makes a lot of sense. I don't know if he has or is truly going to have material proof, though. That remains to be seen.
        Will I tell you guys who he is? Not just yet, because it's not that difficult to figure it out. And he might want you to do just that. Because in order to figure it out you have to do some reading and check out Ripper suspects. And if you find one which is highly compatible with Pierre's sparse hints you will find Pierre. And you will be much more inclined to believe him when you have figured it out all by yourself. Maybe that's why he is playing that game. There have been so many surefire suspects around that one has to do new and extraordinary things in order to introduce another new theory.
        He hasn't been entirely straight with his audience, though. I think he might be a long time ripperologist. And his suspect isn't entirely new either. He has been named before. But maybe Pierre is talking more in the allegorical sense. Same with the shocking implications. His suspect wouldn't shock anyone -unless you are inclined to favor a mystical implication. Pierre might've been more or less straight with most other things, though. I'm not quite sure if English is really not his first language. Maybe, maybe not. He certainly can express himself excellently, no?
        Anyway, if he's a troll he's an intelligent one and probably has a lot of genuinely good ideas. Maybe, that's why you are all so intrigued. By the way, it wouldn't make sense to tell you right now who he probably is. He would simply deny it. But as I said, it's not that difficult.
        I'm a criminal psychologist from Germany and hate unsolved riddles. That's why I thought if I can't find out out who the Ripper was I can at least try to figure out who Pierre is and if he's just another troll. I for one don't think so. Maybe that's why the administrator hasn't pulled the plug on this thread, yet.
        The plot thickens


        • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
          The plot thickens
          Indeed. Multiple personalities?



          • I know: It looks bad because I've never posted before. But - as the administrator can easily check: I applied for membership already well before Pierre started posting. But I was content to lurk so far. Terrible wording in connection with a Ripper site btw.
            But I do think Pierre is more than just another troll. If I'm right I'd say he has a genuinely good theory which deserves to be thoroughly checked out. And I think he wants you guys to figure out who he is. He has given away much more info than you might think right now. Hey, he even told you his age. Also, his style and line of argumentation is quite distinctive.
            I worked through the whole thread - and then I started to do some serious reading - without spending a penny btw. But it helps to have an ebook reader.
            One can label it as silly games. But maybe Pierre has an educational streak and we shouldn't condemn him just yet. Those who think this thread is just a playground for sad games don't have to enter this particular playground. Personally I feel that I don't want to spoil it just yet. And like Pierre himself I could be wrong. But like him I don't think so.


            • Now I'm convinced!...that all the new registers are the same person. And I don't give a **** who they are or who their suspect is.


              • Oh weh, now all the newly registered will have an existential crisis
                And of course it doesn't help to protest.
                But is it so unconceivable that some have a playful streak - even with a serious subject like JtR? Personally I enjoyed this thread and was also ennoyed like hell that Pierre wasn't going to name his grand suspect just yet. That was motivation enough for me to figure it out myself. As I said he hasn't been entirely straight with you. His probable suspect has been named before although not in a major way. And he is hardly earth shattering. The terrible implications Pierre has been talking about are present more in an allegorical or fictional sense.
                Btw, I think the administrator can easily find out if we are all sock puppets or in cahoots. A highly unlikely scenario.
                I'd simply like to encourage all who are interested to find out who Pierre might be. Then you can make up your mind if his theory is as good as he thinks it is.


                • Hello 1888.
                  As a criminal psychologist, i would imagine that you could provide valuable insight to the case SO i would hope you dont always feel the need to lurk. The Pierre Theory has been a diversion mainly because, if you are new to the case & forum, it makes you learn the particulars of this massive case. Right or wrong, who cares! At least its an opportunity to walk the case at a pace i can keep up with, and develop my own theories along the way.
                  there,s nothing new, only the unexplored


                  • Originally posted by 1888 View Post
                    Oh weh, now all the newly registered will have an existential crisis
                    And of course it doesn't help to protest.
                    But is it so unconceivable that some have a playful streak - even with a serious subject like JtR? Personally I enjoyed this thread and was also ennoyed like hell that Pierre wasn't going to name his grand suspect just yet. That was motivation enough for me to figure it out myself. As I said he hasn't been entirely straight with you. His probable suspect has been named before although not in a major way. And he is hardly earth shattering. The terrible implications Pierre has been talking about are present more in an allegorical or fictional sense.
                    Btw, I think the administrator can easily find out if we are all sock puppets or in cahoots. A highly unlikely scenario.
                    I'd simply like to encourage all who are interested to find out who Pierre might be. Then you can make up your mind if his theory is as good as he thinks it is.
                    I've already made up my mind and think most here have as well. "pierre"'s theory isn't worth a ****, evident by the data


                    • You may well be right and Pierre errs about his candidate. But how can you be sure that he's wrong without even knowing who he favors? I haven't had a favorite suspect so far and I really hoped that the dna business with the shawl which apparently fingered Kosminski was a sham. He just doesn't have the right pofile IMHO. But when I stumbled over Pierre's presumable suspect it klicked in my mind. As Pierre promised it suddenly all made sense to me: the motive, the locations and the means, the suspect's life story and his whereabouts at the time when the Ripper killed. At least after a quick fact check I couldn't find any data which exclude this theory but plenty of circumstantial evidence. Pierre might have more. I just checked the net. Does that mean Pierre has found the holy grail? Of course not. So far it's just a theory I really like better than most. I don't know if he has found something amounting to solid evidence. I think not. Otherwise there would be no reason to play games. I don't think, though, that he's just on a fishing expedition in order to cobble something toģether. If I'm right he developed a fully fledged theory long ago. I have a hunch that he tries to prepare the ground in order to make people more openminded - which is a very hard task if you are dealing with long time experts, many of them with a pet theory. Pierre has said as much.
                      Did he choose the right way? That remains to be seen. It's certainly a verý original idea.
                      I really hope that he is as good as his word and comes clean eventually - even if he doesn't find the last elusive piece of the puzzle.
                      In another post I will tell more about my motivations and my background - in case that anyone is still open to the ideas that I'm not Pierre but someone who's genuinely interested in JtR and who also is a compulsive riddle solver. To uncover JtR's identity is most certainly beyond my capabilities. It would be nice though if Pierre (and some others as well) made a move into the right direction.
                      Good luck to everybody who's genuinely trying to solve the mystery with scientific methods, logical thinking and a copious measure of dumb luck.


                      • Originally posted by 1888 View Post
                        Will I tell you guys who he is? Not just yet, because it's not that difficult to figure it out.
                        That really isn't the best reasoning I have ever heard.

                        Why not just tell us who you think it is and we can take it from there?

                        Otherwise all you are doing is the same as Pierre with a silly tease.


                        • I agree, I didn't give a truly good reason for not telling who I think he is. Maybe it's this. I don't want to out him because I feel he should do it himself eventually. IMO he might have a plan and I don't feel like spoiling that plan. It might not be as silly as many here think it is.
                          Another reason for not telling just yet who I think he might be, is that I really like the guy's theory (or what I think is his theory). It deserves to be judged on it's intrinsic merits and not be tarnished by these mind games of which many here disapprove. Let's wait and see where he's going to take this and what he's going to give away in the future. Because, as I said before he has already told us a lot - even if it doesn't seem that way.


                          • Originally posted by 1888 View Post
                            I agree, I didn't give a truly good reason for not telling who I think he is. Maybe it's this. I don't want to out him because I feel he should do it himself eventually. IMO he might have a plan and I don't feel like spoiling that plan. It might not be as silly as many here think it is.
                            Another reason for not telling just yet who I think he might be, is that I really like the guy's theory (or what I think is his theory). It deserves to be judged on it's intrinsic merits and not be tarnished by these mind games of which many here disapprove. Let's wait and see where he's going to take this and what he's going to give away in the future. Because, as I said before he has already told us a lot - even if it doesn't seem that way.
                            I don't care who Pierre is. I was talking about his suspect who you claim to have identified.

                            What is your reason for not simply posting that name here now?


                            • Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
                              I don't care who Pierre is. I was talking about his suspect who you claim to have identified.

                              What is your reason for not simply posting that name here now?
                              The reason is 1888 is Pierre trying a new angle


                              • Well shucks, sir

                                Originally posted by 1888 View Post
                                I agree, I didn't give a truly good reason for not telling who I think he is. Maybe it's this. I don't want to out him because I feel he should do it himself eventually. IMO he might have a plan and I don't feel like spoiling that plan. It might not be as silly as many here think it is.
                                Another reason for not telling just yet who I think he might be, is that I really like the guy's theory (or what I think is his theory). It deserves to be judged on it's intrinsic merits and not be tarnished by these mind games of which many here disapprove. Let's wait and see where he's going to take this and what he's going to give away in the future. Because, as I said before he has already told us a lot - even if it doesn't seem that way.
                                Is this Son of Pierre?? More carrot teasing
                                From Voltaire writing in Diderot's Encyclopédie:
                                "One demands of modern historians more details, better ascertained facts, precise dates, , more attention to customs, laws, commerce, agriculture, population."

