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I think I have found him.

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  • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post
    The other two only think they have found the killer and their research carries errors. Mine does not, and I will reveal all soon.
    Are you certain you don't have to wait at least 12 months for the final piece of data?
    I’m often irrelevant. It confuses people.


    • Please Rocky,

      don't you understand i am not proposing a serious suspect, i am just calling Pierre out!
      yes i have found a name, i don't believe that he is the ripper.

      Just to make it really clear. i googled 19th Century British industrialists and philanthropists.
      Near the top of the results , just in what i consider to be a viable age for the ripper was one G Cadbury . i really just plucked a suspect like that, all the details i mentioned are accurate about him.
      Does anyone seriously think that is how to find a genuine suspect?

      All i was doing was pointing out how easy it is to suggest someone, in this case someone who fits Pierre's scant details.
      so please don't call me a 2nd Pierre

      Hercule, yes i did forget to mention religion, sorry.

      Curious4 i agree with you 100%. i am of the view that he has no information.

      i do notice that he has posted in the last hour but not ruled out any of the groups i have mentioned, of course if he did there would be no one left


      • Originally posted by Shaggyrand View Post
        Are you certain you don't have to wait at least 12 months for the final piece of data?
        Yes, sorry. I forgot.
        My research will be complete in 12 months time. In the meantime I will scoff at everyone else`s suspect, and their research methods.


        • Originally posted by Graham View Post

          A few years ago another weird person came on these boards to announce that after "Two Years Of Research" he had discovered the identity of the Ripper. Whether he was Pierre I know not, but he was soon torn to shreds.
          Pierre needs quite seriously to be ignored, and I'm surprised that Admin has allowed this nonsense to continue for so long. It makes a mockery of the whole JtR debate.

          I wasn't a member around those times. Did that poster actually reveal their suspect or just do the carrot dangling thing?


          • Hello Elamama.

            Did you include the media/journalist industry in uour search? Theres this floating idea that Jack the Ripper wanted the bodies found for a reason COMPARED AGaINST the standard MO of wanting the bodies to stay hidden. That he wanted the public awareness.

            Im on the fence so far. I thought it was b.s. too. But i cant pass up a riddle so i went searching the post history too. One of the silent rferences led mt to a paper co-written by Keppel,the man behind catcng Ted Bundy, on Jack the Ripper's signature., which helped me understand the case. So i have become more open minded

            I am still considering the latest post on another thread, which is searching for how Jack the Ripper knew someone would make the fast discovery of Mary Janes corpse if she is in a bedroom. One of the possibilities was he knew that rent was going to be collected, which implies the McCarthy Court business (meaning you need to know the employees). Obviously the name Daniel McCarthy eventually comes up. There is some excellent research done in an archived CB thread on "Dan". However you also will find there was a Mr Masters who apparently pulled a big hoax naming Daniel McCarthy, so (just like in boxing) keep your guard up.
            there,s nothing new, only the unexplored


            • Hi Robert,

              my search was based on what Pierre had ruled out. he had ruled out writers, i took this to include all media.
              once again i repeat this was not a real search it took one google search, select top result and look to see if anything no matter how tenuous could be made to fit the killings.

              it was done PURELY to see if possible to get a meaningful reply from Pierre.

              let me State here and now, i have no real suspect. i am in the Polish Jew/Kosminski camp myself.



              • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

                I took the few hints that Pierre has given:
                Yes, but why donīt you take the few hints that Hutchinson, or Lechmere-Cross, or Abberline, or Prater has given?

                in about 2 hours, just using publicly available data i have a suspect, obviously it would take much more work to look into it further.
                Suspect suspected of doing what? Having their names and personal data on the Internet after their death?

                Now i am not suggesting that this is JTR, but it could be Pierre's suspect,assuming he does have one.
                If you want Pierreīs suspect - go back to Whitechapel in 1888.

                Regards Pierre
                Last edited by Pierre; 11-09-2015, 01:22 PM.


                • Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
                  Right...Why don't you just name him? Now we've got two simultaneous Pierre's..
                  How about me trying to find out who Elamarnas suspect could be without disclosing who he is if I find out? We could have three Pierres! Me, my copycat and myself as the copycat of my copycat!

                  Regards Pierre


                  • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                    Yes, but why donīt you take the few hints that Hutchinson, or Lechmere-Cross, or Abberline, or Prater has given
                    Regards Pierre
                    This reads like nonsense to me. Perhaps you might consider taking a few hints yourself?


                    • Originally posted by paul g View Post
                      Ive posted on this thread , i even started a thread titled pierres research. Nothing posted here on this thread by pierre on this thread or any thread for that matter convinces me that pierre is attempting to string everyone along
                      I have stated this before and here it is AGAIN

                      Hi Paul,

                      No, actually not.

                      Regards Pierre


                      • Pierre,

                        you seem rattled.
                        I am sure you are not who or what you claim, you are shifting the goalposts.
                        I note you have not said it is none of the groups i have mentioned, of course if you did there would be no one left.

                        That of course is the answer,

                        Actually i have read the information from those you mention, although i may appear as a cadet here i have been following the Whitechapel murders since about 1972.

                        i will now ignore you and maybe you will go away. i advise everyone else too as well.


                        • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                          How about me trying to find out who Elamarnas suspect could be without disclosing who he is if I find out? We could have three Pierres! Me, my copycat and myself as the copycat of my copycat!

                          Regards Pierre
                          Frankly I'm not convinced most of the 2015 registers aren't all you having conversations with yourself


                          • Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
                            This reads like nonsense to me. Perhaps you might consider taking a few hints yourself?
                            Hi Rocky,

                            I mean it must be better to listen to witnesses in Spitalfields in the year 1888 than listening to a silly researcher like me in the year 2015, musnīt it?

                            Thatīs what I did anyway. And I think I got something out of it too.

                            Regards Pierre


                            • I have been around a long time on this case, and Casebook, I have looked at every angle, and I can honestly say, I know no more the identity of the killer now , then I did when I started..[ Heard that before somewhere]
                              Frankly Pierre. your posts annoy me, and I believe , I am not alone, you have a knack of posting absolutely nothing, and getting a reaction..
                              I for one am contemplating leaving Casebook, because this to be honest , is doing the sites reputation no good what so ever.
                              Regards Richard.


                              • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

                                you seem rattled.
                                I am sure you are not who or what you claim, you are shifting the goalposts.
                                I note you have not said it is none of the groups i have mentioned, of course if you did there would be no one left.

                                That of course is the answer,

                                Actually i have read the information from those you mention, although i may appear as a cadet here i have been following the Whitechapel murders since about 1972.

                                i will now ignore you and maybe you will go away. i advise everyone else too as well.
                                Hi my friend,

                                Oh dear me. Since 1972... I am truly impressed by that.

                                But I would never give the case that much attention. I donīt think this killer is worth it.

                                I can tell you that all the discussions I have with people here are valuable since they actually help me test the theory. I have gotten a variety of interesting and difficult questions and I try these against my data, the hyptheses and the theory.

                                And I hope that someone will come up with a relly good question that wlll prove my theory wrong.

                                Regards Pierre

