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Interesting Thread Regarding Anderson's Suspect.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

    Just your opinion tgat it's unsafe. Same old.
    His definition of "unsafe" appears to mean "disagrees with his theory".
    "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

    "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


    • #17
      Originally posted by The Baron View Post
      Swanson's notes are the ultimate, indisputable foundation of truth, untouchable, irrefutable, and the closest thing to absolute authority on anything Jack the Ripper related. To doubt them is to embrace ignorance, to challenge them is to wage war against historical certainty itself.
      But he does not name Lechmere or Cross and that was your boy last week. Welcome aboard the Jack the Ripper Merry-go-round, last stop Lechmere, next stop Kosminski...


      • #18
        Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

        Just your opinion tgat it's unsafe. Same old.
        and its the same old people rejecting the obvious facts which I have highlighted

        It's a shame you don't know about how police investigations are carried out in major crimes,uk


        • #19
          I just want to point out there is nothing wrong with Finch or anybody testing out ideas on the forums. That's what they're for and nobody loses any money. Unfortunately, there's a bunch of thieves out there with Amazon accounts, so we can't be willy nilly about what we share any more and trust that it won't be stolen and published before we can make a proper study and work of it. Anything worthwhile these days has to be done on the downlow.

          Yours truly,

          Tom Wescott


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
            I just want to point out there is nothing wrong with Finch or anybody testing out ideas on the forums. That's what they're for and nobody loses any money. Unfortunately, there's a bunch of thieves out there with Amazon accounts, so we can't be willy nilly about what we share any more and trust that it won't be stolen and published before we can make a proper study and work of it. Anything worthwhile these days has to be done on the downlow.

            Yours truly,

            Tom Wescott
            Thank you kindly Tom

            You're absolutely right, and you sum it up much better than I ever could.

            To all...

            I've had some amazing advice on this, and I am extremely humbled and appreciative that I have the opportunity to potentially make a positive impact, through the support and guidance of those who clearly care about the integrity of the case.

            The reality is; that while I am desperate to just flood the forums with new data; I also want to ensure I have as much accuracy and truth in what I present.
            When the time comes, I will try and ensure that I am in the best position to promote my theory, but at the same time will openly welcome all feedback; whether positive or negative; because I can't expect to make such a claim, and then not expect the heat from that.

            As things stand, I am quite literally waiting for physical documents to arrive through the post, that will enhance my theory to the point I can look to begin submitting some data.

            Until then, i can only apologise for any delay, but rest assured that when the time comes, we can all benefit from the data I have collated.

            Whether my theory is then liked or despised; the data itself is good and hopefully will be worth the wait to some of you at least.

            Warmest regards to you all


            P.s. Tom, i quite like you mentioning "Finch" here goes...

            Warmest regards to you all

            The Finch
            (a.k.a. Rookie D)

            "Great minds, don't think alike"


            • #21
              Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
              A new thread has emerged over at the JTR forums -

              Will be great to see how this pans out, hope it does not turn into a 'Perrie'
              Perhaps Chris can identify "all the criteria" without mentioning any names?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
                Hi Trevor, you need to replace the comma with a full stop in your URL as it does not work...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post
                  P.s. Tom, i quite like you mentioning "Finch" here goes...

                  The Finch
                  (a.k.a. Rookie D)
                  Careful with all the 'false' names lark... you might get accused of multiple murder


                  • #24
                    Can I say that I am in private contact with RD, let's give him time, he will be talking to others I think privately before he posts any details.

                    If people want criteria from Anderson, it's very simply. the killer is a polish Jew, he is identified and committed to an asylum.
                    Contrary to what may be said, Anderson does not say the killer is dead in his book.
                    That is added by Swanson, Who is also reported as saying such in 1895.
                    LeLet's give RD space please.



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                      Hi Trevor, you need to replace the comma with a full stop in your URL as it does not work...
                      Let it stay as it is.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post

                        Swansons memo is unsafe to rely on in any event.

                        Magnaghten was Swanson's immediate superior and Anderson was superior to both yet neither mention anything about Kosminski and this alleged ID parade where Kosminski was supposedly identified. In fact, none of the other officers directly involved in the investigation make any mention of what Swanson describes in his memo regarding Kosminski.

                        And the records of Colney Hatch don't show anyone named Kosminski who died shortly after being admitted.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post

                          Swansons memo is unsafe to rely on in any event.
                          Marriotts (sic) website is unsafe and returns a Not Secure message.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

                            Let it stay as it is.
                            Well, I will amend it just for your benefit-

