Originally posted by Sunny Delight
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She said that she occupied both parlours of the above house, and was about to retire to rest when she heard a knock at the door, and upon going there found a total stranger waiting, who demanded money, adding that if she did not at once produce the cash she had but a few moments to live. She refused to give the money and the man at once drew from his pocket a clasp knife, with which he stabbed her twice in the throat. From the details of the man's appearance given by Wilson, the following will be found a fairly accurate description of the man:- Aged about 30, height 5 ft. 6 in.; face sunburnt, with fair moustache; dressed in dark coat, light trousers, and wideawake hat.
Her neighbour possibly suggests the man was already in the room, but it seems Wilson had men coming and going a lot so not clear it is the same person IMO. I've seen it written this isn't something the ripper would have done/poor warm-up for the autumn, but it was over 4 months before tabram. 'Criminal versatility' is also one of the ticks for a psychopath. So there is no need to see this as a warm-up for the autumn, he just wanted money, didn't get it and attacked. Also worth noting that the police actually questioned Peter Sutcliffe's father for a blunt force head trauma burglar attack in the 1960s (not realising it was very likely the son).
IMO, Bury is a very strong suspect for the Wilson attack. He lived just under a mile away and had form for demanding money with menaces (pinned wife to bed and held knife to her throat in argument over money plus other examples), taking money, very short temper, penknife attacker/murderer, slept with a penkife under his pillow. Used and knew prostitutes. Age 28 at the time, said to have fair sandy facial hair, his known drinking could account for the red face. With hat and boots and likely wide uncertainty in estimating heights by witnesses, would fit height (as an example, the man that attacked farmer, seen by many in daylight, was said to be short, short thick fellow, 5'4" but also up to 5'7" in height).
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