Originally posted by Chava
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But you then went on - before deleting the comments - to ask why the man would have had a sunburnt face in Whitechapel in the month of March.
That is a very pertinent question and one which I asked myself long ago.
I imagine that you intended the question to negate the case for the man having sunburn and to support your contention that he had eczema instead.
You then answered your own question, about how he might have acquired sunburn, so satisfactorily - with the same answer that I had long ago come up with myself - that you actually negated your own argument that the man had eczema.
And that, presumably, is why you deleted the comments.
Since you raised the issue of eczema, I would pose a slightly different question: why would a man suffering from facial eczema in Whitechapel, in the month of March, be wearing a wide-brimmed hat?
The answer is that he would have no particular reason to wear a wide brimmed hat if he had eczema all over his face, but he would have needed a wide brimmed hat in the place from which he had recently come and where his face had been burnt by the sun.
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