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Jack The Rippers Real Name? Anyone Know Or Have Any Idea?

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  • #16
    Yeah,but no,but......

    This Lauren,yeah..she's totally ok....cause she's asked us a question,like
    because she wants to know who this Jack The Ripper was..and like we don't know,so she'll have to take a chill pill,yeah??'s at this point that you really appreciate the "Queen's English".

    Hi Lauren We're just having a bit of fun..we're historians.No offence meant.
    Getting back to your question..
    Unless someone finds something stored or hidden away since the 1800's that gives us a clue or has some new information,there's little chance of any solid new evidence on the case.Because we are discussing this on boards every day,and it's obvious that we know a lot about Jack the Ripper,it doesn't mean that we know who the murderer was,and have decided not to tell anyone else.
    Last edited by anna; 10-05-2009, 01:20 PM.


    • #17
      I remember overhearing a conversation between two high school girls who were discussing a boy in their school. One girl said " I used to like like him but I don't like like him any more." The leaders of tomorrow. Yikes.



      • #18
        Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
        It's like totally not a joke! I was like trying to do similar research, and my wife was like "On no your not" and I was like "Whatever" and she was like "Okay....whatever" and I was like "Well i'm doing it anyway so chill"

        On a sideline, does anyone know how to like totally get rid of a black eye?
        Dude, that is soooo September 10th.



        • #19
          Jack's real name?--- probably not Jack.

          How to get rid of a black eye?--- time. Time and leeches.


          • #20
            Hello everybody,

            I don't think Lauren is coming back to this thread. It's a pity, because she wanted to find out about something and she thought she had come to the right place. Let's be kinder to the new additions to the Ripper family.

            Asante Mungu leo ni Ijumaa.
            Old Swahili Proverb


            • #21

              Some newbies really deserve a thrashing. This was just a friendly question, albeit somewhat ignorant of the facts... but then, when was Casebook a place purely for the hardcore?

              Bob - you missed an apostrophe in the word 'Lauren's' when your were criticising her punctuation.

              Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


              • #22
                Originally posted by George Hutchinson View Post
                Some newbies really deserve a thrashing.
                George you made me laugh so hard I almost needed oxygen...
                im new here, but like you i know the difference between rookie and just
                plain stupid...LOL thats universal...not just here...hahahahah

                there was some ding dong on another part of this forum that i said something
                too about his comment that in 1650 the judge presiding
                over a trial of witches was american... i just shook my head and reminded
                him that america wasnt even created untill 1776 and that that judge was
                a wart of the CATHOLIC CHURCH, not an american... there were no americans in 1650 excecpt the native indians.....LOL

                whatcha goanna do... cant live with em, cant shoot em....gezzzzzzzzzzzzz


                • #23
                  His name might have been Humphry John Smith.


                  • #24
                    Probably a William or a Thomas or a Joseph or a Henry or a dozen other names that were common/popular in Whitechapel at the time.


                    • #25

                      A comment, not a culprit suggestion.
                      Last edited by claire; 10-06-2009, 07:35 PM. Reason: ermmm....



                      • #26
                        Hi All!

                        I'm new here...please be gentle with me!

                        Oh and in answer to the original question:

                        I believe Jack The Ripper to be Kosminsky.
                        I know a lot of you will disagree with me but that's my choice of suspect!
                        I am not young enough to know everything ~ Oscar Wilde


                        • #27

                          Hello Lesley. Thank you for sharing. I think a panel of policemen voted Kosminski unanimously.

                          I think we all wish we knew what Sir Melville meant by the special "circs" in Aaron's case. What's your theory?



                          • #28
                            A few suggestions:

                            Kef Wahee Scrimshanker

                            Greevie Bogsocket

                            Mowgli Critical-Globes

                            Sanguiniferous Balsam

                            The Reverend Josiah Inkblot Scratchnipple

                            Borax Dippydong

                            Not serious ones, obviously. It's just that I had to get them off my chest
                            Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                            "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                            • #29
                              What was Uri Geller doing in 1888? The guy can bend spoons and make broken watches work through mind power alone. What else was he capable of?

                              And the speed with which he moved from one TV studio to another when Michael Jackson died...


                              • #30

                                For once I have to get serious with you. The Reverend Josiah Inkblot Scratchnipple was the vicar who presided at my wedding. He was an okay bloke, in certain ways. Where did you find his name?


                                Seymour Titz
                                We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze

