Hi All
Id be curious to take inventory and to see what members here favorite suspect/s are. Please feel to give a brief explanation as to why.
I keep an open mind, and rank them in tiers as to their validity based on my own opinion. Below are mine and pretty much in order of preference.
Tier one- Hutch and Blotchy number 1 and 1a. Then Chapman, Kelly, Bury and Kosminsky. IMHO I think there is just a slightly better than 50/50 chance one of these 6 men was the ripper.
Tier two-Barnett, Bowyer, Lechmere, Druitt, Flemming, Richardson, Tumblety, Jacob Levy, Francis Thompson, Donston. Combined with my tier one suspects I would say about 60 % chance any of these men where the ripper.
Tier Three (the fantastical suspects)-Sickert, maybrick, royal conspiracy, etc. Almost zero chance for any of these types.
so about 60% chance IMHO of a named suspect and about 40% it was an(totally) unknown or unnamed suspect.
Whos yours?
Id be curious to take inventory and to see what members here favorite suspect/s are. Please feel to give a brief explanation as to why.
I keep an open mind, and rank them in tiers as to their validity based on my own opinion. Below are mine and pretty much in order of preference.
Tier one- Hutch and Blotchy number 1 and 1a. Then Chapman, Kelly, Bury and Kosminsky. IMHO I think there is just a slightly better than 50/50 chance one of these 6 men was the ripper.
Tier two-Barnett, Bowyer, Lechmere, Druitt, Flemming, Richardson, Tumblety, Jacob Levy, Francis Thompson, Donston. Combined with my tier one suspects I would say about 60 % chance any of these men where the ripper.
Tier Three (the fantastical suspects)-Sickert, maybrick, royal conspiracy, etc. Almost zero chance for any of these types.
so about 60% chance IMHO of a named suspect and about 40% it was an(totally) unknown or unnamed suspect.
Whos yours?