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The broken window

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  • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
    How so?
    The two earliest reports tend to agree. If you read the Evening News of 4th Oct. and then Serg. White's police report of the same date, they do not contradict each other.
    Yes, the 11:30 time is a problem, but both earlier reports indicate 12:30, or close to.

    It is the changes to the police report that cause all the problems.

    The police are not in control of which statements the coroner chooses.
    Ahh but packer and schwartz are the clear outstanding people to call so what reason do you suggest the coroner would have NOT to call them if the details had been passed to him. I just can't see that they were tbh

    As for 11.30 being the problem...I agree, only Moore knows the answer to this
    Last edited by packers stem; 10-11-2015, 12:06 PM.
    You can lead a horse to water.....


    • Hi packers stem,

      Packer and Schwartz were not called to the inquest because their testimony would have given the lie to the "double event."


      Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


      • Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
        Hi packers stem,

        Packer and Schwartz were not called to the inquest because their testimony would have given the lie to the "double event."


        Hi Simon
        I've always suspected that stride was just a mistaken identity of long liz/Liz long and just an attempt to silence a witness so a double event of sorts but not as most understand it but.... It's just a stab in the dark really.The killing of stride is very different and struck me as a sort of neccessity on the way to the real event
        You can lead a horse to water.....


        • Hi packers stem,

          Could you expand a little.

          I don't completely understand your point.



          Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


          • Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
            Hi packers stem,

            Could you expand a little.

            I don't completely understand your point.



            Elizabeth Long had been in the press and inquest by this point.At this time she was the only person who we know of who could possibly testify against someone seen with a ripper victim.
            Has just always seemed a bit of a coincidence Liz long and long liz.... Like I said just a stab the in the dark really,just that I'm not a lover of coincidence
            You can lead a horse to water.....


            • Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
              Hi packers stem,

              Packer and Schwartz were not called to the inquest because their testimony would have given the lie to the "double event."


              So it was all a great big cover up by police and the corroner?
              G U T

              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


              • Hi packers stem,

                Just so I understand.

                You're suggesting that Elizabeth Stride had been mistaken for Elizabeth Long who had seen the Ripper with Annie Chapman?

                I agree with you about the similarity of names—Liz Long and Long Liz—but were there any physical similarities between the two women to account for such a terrible mistake?


                Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


                • Originally posted by packers stem View Post
                  Ahh but packer and schwartz are the clear outstanding people to call so what reason do you suggest the coroner would have NOT to call them if the details had been passed to him. I just can't see that they were tbh
                  I don't have a reason for not calling Schwartz, I would have called him.
                  We might concede that our knowledge of events is not complete.

                  As for 11.30 being the problem...I agree, only Moore knows the answer to this
                  The changes introduced to Packer's statement did not come from the press account. The most likely source is Packer himself, which suggests he was brought in to make a statement to police.
                  His previous statement was given to Sergt. White at his own home.

                  I do think the police will bring him in to explain why he first told police he saw nothing & no-one, but then revised it to include a man & woman.
                  Reasonably then, this is why Packer was not called to the inquest.

                  The result of Packer making two statements that differ is Swanson's dismissive account in his Oct. 19th report.
                  Regards, Jon S.


                  • Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
                    Hi packers stem,

                    Just so I understand.

                    You're suggesting that Elizabeth Stride had been mistaken for Elizabeth Long who had seen the Ripper with Annie Chapman?

                    I agree with you about the similarity of names—Liz Long and Long Liz—but were there any physical similarities between the two women to account for such a terrible mistake?


                    Hi Simon
                    Yes,it's what I suspect but I don't know anything about the physical appearance of Elizabeth Long.
                    Although that may not be necessary. If someone went into a pub and asked around with a few farthings for Liz Long and someone said "that's Liz over there ".... It's a possibility
                    You can lead a horse to water.....


                    • Hello all,

                      Please excuse the diversion but could somebody please point me at the origin of the nickname Long Liz, from 1888?
                      Thank you. ☺

                      Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                      Justice for the 96 = achieved
                      Accountability? ....


                      • Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
                        Hello all,

                        Please excuse the diversion but could somebody please point me at the origin of the nickname Long Liz, from 1888?
                        Thank you. ☺

                        Hi Phil
                        Wasn't it down to her height?
                        You can lead a horse to water.....


                        • Elizabeth Tanner at the Inquest.


                          • Originally posted by GUT View Post
                            So it was all a great big cover up by police ?

                            There seems to have been quite some effort from the police and dubious private investigators to discredit Packer.

                            Possibly from Warren or even higher up.


                            • Originally posted by DJA View Post

                              There seems to have been quite some effort from the police and dubious private investigators to discredit Packer.

                              Possibly from Warren or even higher up.
                              Yes, I agree DJA
                              You can lead a horse to water.....


                              • Originally posted by DJA View Post

                                There seems to have been quite some effort from the police and dubious private investigators to discredit Packer.

                                Possibly from Warren or even higher up.
                                There were certainly dubious investigators but their role in this mystery is not easily described.
                                And, for what reason the police should be involved with them only boggles the mind.
                                Regards, Jon S.

