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The broken window

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  • "smallest"....."near the entrance"......Inquest.


    • The smallest window was nearest the downspout, the broken pane was the farthest pane of the smallest window.

      Charles Ledger put in and proved plans ----
      Charles Ledger, Inspector G division, I have made plans produced and they are correct plans of the premises. Thomas Bowyer, I refer to plan and I mean the farthest pane of the first window the small one.
      Regards, Jon S.


      • I'm looking at the photo of Mary's room in Millers Court in the JTR A-Z now, the photo taken showing the relevant distance between door and smaller window with furthest pane. Even if it was the nearest pane that was broken that's an extraordinary length for a human arm to stretch to the door, (even if all the glass in the pane had gone which it hadn't.) You'd need simian length limbs to reach through and unlock anything. The door must have been left on the latch.

        PS By the way, regarding Frank Carter (not Cater) Neil in 'Capturing Jack the Ripper' noted that there was found, among Kate's possessions, 'a printed handbill and according to a Press report, a printed card for 'Frank Carter, 305 Bethnal Green Rd.'

        Tradesmen, circuses and shows, auctioneers and shopkeepers etc had printed handbills (advertisements of forthcoming attractions,sales.) That wouldn't have included a member of Her Majesty's forces. Royal Engineers wouldn't have advertised their services.
        Last edited by Rosella; 10-22-2015, 06:52 PM.


        • Originally posted by Rosella View Post
          ...and unlock anything. The door must have been left on the latchs.
          ...or else how would she have been able to let the man with blotchy skin into her room if it hadn't been "on the latch"?
          there,s nothing new, only the unexplored


          • Thanks Rosella. I'm not understanding why Kate would have his card? Was he John and if so why would he give her his card? Was it a business card and were they used in 1888? Or was it a type of personal identification card and in that case was it stolen from Frank Carter? Was it common for prostitutes to pickpocket their clients? Any insight into why Kate would be in possession of this card would be appreciated.

            About Bowyer, let's not forget he was in miller's court at 3 am and according to this post copied from a jar post by debra he claimed to see a man:

            "The Echo Wed. Nov. 14 1888

            ...Bowyer, the young man in Mr. McCarthy's employ was out at different times up Miller's-court on the Thursday night for the purpose of getting water from a tap there-the only available supply.Indeed, Bowyer vistited that spot as late-or, rather, as early-as three o'clock on the morning of the murder. This early visit to the water-tap is by no means an unfrequent thing, as Mr. Mccarthy's shop, which supplies the wants of a very poor and wretched locality, whose denziens are out at all hours, late and early, does not at times close until three o'clock in the morning,while occassionally it is open all night. Early on Friday morning Bowyer saw a man, whose description tallies with that of the supposed murderer. Bowyer has, he says, described this man to Inspector Abberline and Inspector Reid. Bowyer, who is known as "Indian Harry" has travelled a great deal, and formerly lived in India. He said to an Echo reporter this morning. "The murderer couldn't have come to a worse place (for escaping) than this court. There is only this narrow entrance, and If I had known he was there when I went to the water tap at three o'clock, I reckon he wouldn't have got off."

            So Bowyer was the last known person in Miller's court (?) and the first person to find Kelly butchered. I don't think Bowyer has been explored enough as a suspect from what I can tell. Here is the thread on bowyer in the court at 3 am. His father's profession is listed as "cutter". Can anyone explain what that means to me?
            Last edited by RockySullivan; 10-22-2015, 09:08 PM.


            • Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
              Thanks Rosella. I'm not understanding why Kate would have his card? Was he John and if so why would he give her his card? Was it a business card and were they used in 1888? Or was it a type of personal identification card and in that case was it stolen from Frank Carter? Was it common for prostitutes to pickpocket their clients? Any insight into why Kate would be in possession of this card would be appreciated.

              About Bowyer, let's not forget he was in miller's court at 3 am and according to this post copied from a jar post by debra he claimed to see a man:

              "The Echo Wed. Nov. 14 1888

              ...Bowyer, the young man in Mr. McCarthy's employ was out at different times up Miller's-court on the Thursday night for the purpose of getting water from a tap there-the only available supply.Indeed, Bowyer vistited that spot as late-or, rather, as early-as three o'clock on the morning of the murder. This early visit to the water-tap is by no means an unfrequent thing, as Mr. Mccarthy's shop, which supplies the wants of a very poor and wretched locality, whose denziens are out at all hours, late and early, does not at times close until three o'clock in the morning,while occassionally it is open all night. Early on Friday morning Bowyer saw a man, whose description tallies with that of the supposed murderer. Bowyer has, he says, described this man to Inspector Abberline and Inspector Reid. Bowyer, who is known as "Indian Harry" has travelled a great deal, and formerly lived in India. He said to an Echo reporter this morning. "The murderer couldn't have come to a worse place (for escaping) than this court. There is only this narrow entrance, and If I had known he was there when I went to the water tap at three o'clock, I reckon he wouldn't have got off."

              So Bowyer was the last known person in Miller's court (?) and the first person to find Kelly butchered. I don't think Bowyer has been explored enough as a suspect from what I can tell. Here is the thread on bowyer in the court at 3 am. His father's profession is listed as "cutter". Can anyone explain what that means to me?

              This news clip corresponds to your post about the 3 o'clock timing. Also of interest is the last line about the light being extiguished about 2 o'clock. [off topic for the window, sorry]

              As far as the window trick. I read a news clip recently (trying to find it) that said they had to reach through the window where a bar rested by the door. The bar was used to reach and undo the latch.

              Echo London Middlesex November 13, 1888

              Last edited by jerryd; 10-22-2015, 09:27 PM.


              • Kate was a hawker and hustler, always on the lookout to make some pennies. Maybe she had called in at his shop for a few slices of cheese and spun him a story about how she would help by handing out a handful of his 'bills' the equivalent of leaflets, around Spitalfields for him and took his card (which would have been a business one if he was a shopkeeper, there were both trade and personal cards.) This was perhaps in the hope of exchange of a penny or two.

                On the other hand, maybe a handbill had been left on his shop counter with a few business cards. They were often very nicely designed and colourful and perhaps Kate just liked them.

                Are we talking about Bowyer Snr or Jnr? The only cutters I've ever heard of worked in the tailoring 'sweated' trades, for a pittance.

                Jerry, that is interesting about a possible bar arrangement for the door. You'd still have to be something of a contortionist, I should think.


                • Originally posted by jerryd View Post

                  This news clip corresponds to your post about the 3 o'clock timing. Also of interest is the last line about the light being extiguished about 2 o'clock. [off topic for the window, sorry]

                  As far as the window trick. I read a news clip recently (trying to find it) that said they had to reach through the window where a bar rested by the door. The bar was used to reach and undo the latch.

                  Echo London Middlesex November 13, 1888

                  Thanks Jerry. I wonder how they knew how the light was out at 2? It's like this...Bowyer is in the yard at 3 am...around the time Prater here's the cries of "Murder". A coincidence?

                  I'm not sure what your saying...Frank Carter was a shopkeeper? I thought he worked for the Royal Engineers? Jerry...have you looked into a Royal Engineers connection to the Whitehall building?

                  If the 5 woman had all lived close by...could they have had a pimp in common? I suspect McCarthy is Kelly's pimp and if Bowyer had been in the court at 3 am and he was aware Kelly was with a client..would he have returned in the morning for McCarthy's cut?
                  Last edited by RockySullivan; 10-22-2015, 11:46 PM.


                  • Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
                    Thanks Rosella. I'm not understanding why Kate would have his card? Was he John and if so why would he give her his card? Was it a business card and were they used in 1888? Or was it a type of personal identification card and in that case was it stolen from Frank Carter? Was it common for prostitutes to pickpocket their clients? Any insight into why Kate would be in possession of this card would be appreciated.

                    About Bowyer, let's not forget he was in miller's court at 3 am and according to this post copied from a jar post by debra he claimed to see a man:

                    "The Echo Wed. Nov. 14 1888

                    ...Bowyer, the young man in Mr. McCarthy's employ was out at different times up Miller's-court on the Thursday night for the purpose of getting water from a tap there-the only available supply.Indeed, Bowyer vistited that spot as late-or, rather, as early-as three o'clock on the morning of the murder. This early visit to the water-tap is by no means an unfrequent thing, as Mr. Mccarthy's shop, which supplies the wants of a very poor and wretched locality, whose denziens are out at all hours, late and early, does not at times close until three o'clock in the morning,while occassionally it is open all night. Early on Friday morning Bowyer saw a man, whose description tallies with that of the supposed murderer. Bowyer has, he says, described this man to Inspector Abberline and Inspector Reid. Bowyer, who is known as "Indian Harry" has travelled a great deal, and formerly lived in India. He said to an Echo reporter this morning. "The murderer couldn't have come to a worse place (for escaping) than this court. There is only this narrow entrance, and If I had known he was there when I went to the water tap at three o'clock, I reckon he wouldn't have got off."

                    So Bowyer was the last known person in Miller's court (?) and the first person to find Kelly butchered. I don't think Bowyer has been explored enough as a suspect from what I can tell. Here is the thread on bowyer in the court at 3 am. His father's profession is listed as "cutter". Can anyone explain what that means to me?
                    Hi Rocky
                    We all know the description of Bowyers man..
                    Is this another case of a description being distanced from the crime? In this case by about 40 hours.
                    Could be because Bowyers description for once does not suggest a jew or a sailor
                    You can lead a horse to water.....


                    • I've just rechecked my info. Over at the JTRF Howard and Monty had a conversation some time ago about Frank Cater being misprinted in Monty's book as Frank Carter, a mistake I repeated in my post. It was apparently a typo which occurred in the first edition.

                      The conversation, which was about the flyer found in Kate's possession after her death, continued in another thread there.

                      I hope Howard won't mind me paraphrasing what he said, but he wrote that a descendant of Cater's, who was apparently a grocer, Howard said, ( I've read elsewhere a cheesemonger) had contacted him in pursuit of more info on his grocer ancestor whose name had appeared on the flyer found with Eddowes. Tom Wescott in the same conversation said he was at one time going to write an article about Frank, who apparently lived with his brother.


                      • Originally posted by Rosella View Post
                        I've just rechecked my info. Over at the JTRF Howard and Monty had a conversation some time ago about Frank Cater being misprinted in Monty's book as Frank Carter, a mistake I repeated in my post. It was apparently a typo which occurred in the first edition.

                        The conversation, which was about the flyer found in Kate's possession after her death, continued in another thread there.

                        I hope Howard won't mind me paraphrasing what he said, but he wrote that a descendant of Cater's, who was apparently a grocer, Howard said, ( I've read elsewhere a cheesemonger) had contacted him in pursuit of more info on his grocer ancestor whose name had appeared on the flyer found with Eddowes. Tom Wescott in the same conversation said he was at one time going to write an article about Frank, who apparently lived with his brother.
                        Hi his name is Cater and he was a grocer or cheesemonger? The Royal Engineers Carter is the wrong person?


                        • Originally posted by RockySullivan View Post
                          . Here is the thread on bowyer in the court at 3 am. His father's profession is listed as "cutter". Can anyone explain what that means to me?
                          I knew it! Call it a hunch but i have been hung up on one of the professions within the mining industry being a RIPPER. I decided to see if CUTTER is a listed profession, and it is. I am interested in the RISCA mine explosion of 80, and if it had any relation to MJK. I visited the following link: AND scrolled to the Risca event. A list of the men killed in the explosion is broken down by profession. Amongst the professions: TOP RIPPERS and BOTTOM CUTTERS. So this may imply that Bowyer was Welsh.
                          Last edited by Robert St Devil; 10-23-2015, 01:57 PM.
                          there,s nothing new, only the unexplored


                          • Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
                            Hello Simon,

                            Has been found?..HAS in after they knocked the door to kingdom come and back..boarded it up... and hey presto, someone found the key...

                            You cant write comedy pathos like this, you really cant.

                            Does it have to be "comedy pathos"? We know that MJK had supposedly lost her key. We also know that the police searched the room (presumably thoroughly). The most likely explanation, to my mind, is that the key was found during that search.
                            I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                            • I suspect McCarthy is Kelly's pimp
                              He wouldn't like the term but he was renting some, if not all, of his rooms to low class prostitutes. He would have to be singularly stupid not to know how they earned their living - and they paid him rent (eventually). Therefore he was living, at least in part, on immoral earnings.
                              I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                              • Call it a hunch but I have been hung up on one of the professions within the mining industry being a RIPPER.
                                Not just within the mining industry. A ripper was someone who sold freshwater fish at the markets, also someone who made and sold baskets:-

                                Joseph Barnett would have known a few rippers.
                                I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.

