I dont actually accept that a contemporary source is of itself superior to the researched assessment of the East End ,by an academic like Professor Fishman , indigenous to the East End with his father an immigrant East End ,Jewish taylor.His birthplace of origin,Whitechapel, helps to give his study some " street cred" apart from anything else! But he is certainly not the only East End commentator as he himself would be the first to admit.
However,for the reasons I give above ,Ben,I believe there to be a mismatch between the culture, class , language,education, and life expectation of most people who lived in the East End in 1888 and the middle class ,monocultural,Yorkshireman,Charles Booth.I am not saying he was a country bumpkin or anything and even if he was that would not be a reason for dismissing Booth"s carefully acquired statistics,and wonderfully detailed maps , that would be ridiculous,but it is a reason I believe, for needing to properly embed his statistical results in the type of wider historical research and analysis that Prof,Fishman or Prof Jerry White present in their books on the East End.Not only that, but they cite literally hundreds of very useful sources. In Fishman"s case he often gives an analysis of where a particular source is "coming from"- for example he cites Rev, A.Osborne Jay"s ,"A Story of Shoreditch" p.p.56-67 adding-one must remember Jay was prone to self-publicity in order to elevate his own demands in the philanthropic stake"-similar to a comment made the other day, by another poster on here, regarding one of the many messianic writers on East End poverty.
However,for the reasons I give above ,Ben,I believe there to be a mismatch between the culture, class , language,education, and life expectation of most people who lived in the East End in 1888 and the middle class ,monocultural,Yorkshireman,Charles Booth.I am not saying he was a country bumpkin or anything and even if he was that would not be a reason for dismissing Booth"s carefully acquired statistics,and wonderfully detailed maps , that would be ridiculous,but it is a reason I believe, for needing to properly embed his statistical results in the type of wider historical research and analysis that Prof,Fishman or Prof Jerry White present in their books on the East End.Not only that, but they cite literally hundreds of very useful sources. In Fishman"s case he often gives an analysis of where a particular source is "coming from"- for example he cites Rev, A.Osborne Jay"s ,"A Story of Shoreditch" p.p.56-67 adding-one must remember Jay was prone to self-publicity in order to elevate his own demands in the philanthropic stake"-similar to a comment made the other day, by another poster on here, regarding one of the many messianic writers on East End poverty.