Thanks John, Nats... but were they actually resident there, and - if so - did they go out a-wenching after dark? Plus, these were locally-based philanthropic charity workers - not Timon the Totty-Tourist from Teddington.
Sorry to bang on about "specifics", but it's essential. To think otherwise would be like looking at a painting of a Scutari hospital and concluding that significant numbers of women in the Crimean Peninsula dressed as nurses; furthermore, that they made a habit of clambering into the hills of an evening looking for sex with local men.
Sorry to bang on about "specifics", but it's essential. To think otherwise would be like looking at a painting of a Scutari hospital and concluding that significant numbers of women in the Crimean Peninsula dressed as nurses; furthermore, that they made a habit of clambering into the hills of an evening looking for sex with local men.