Originally posted by Howard Brown
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I hate to lower the tone ha ha! but...a few years ago a GROUP of men was reported in the german press to have taken sexual solace in nailing each other's scrotums to the floor!...compared to them a toff preferring some 'real rough' ,in a possibly more exciting high risk area, rather than the painted prostitutes of the west end is practically pedestrian in his sexuality, no matter how deviant or unlikely he may seem to us! Are you and the others really so naieve about the potential for the 'inconceivable' in human sexual relations?
I don't know how common Norma really saw what you lads claim to be a somewhat mythical phenomenon, but it seems a shame that by denying her almost any possibity for this having happened, you seem to have chased her off the boards altogether!?
Then again, I'm just a pompous moralizer!.Ask Ally! lol!