In my opinion the most glaring error on the White Hart signs is on the one inside, where it states that Tabram 'may well have had her last drink' in there three days before her murder; I think it is pretty likely from the surviving character references that there were a few other drinks in the intervening days!
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East End Photographs and Drawings
This is a sticky topic.
Took a Jack The Ripper walk last week. I'm not a pro and I don't charge, usually do it for work outings and friends and family. Good night out and I had 24 in my group last week, I'm quite good at orating, so they say, anyway, this picture is another view of Gunthorpe Street, taken on my pal's iPhone, I do like this one, especially that figure in the distance. This was taken on Friday 12th November, chucking it down with rain as well!
Great pic!! I have to admit that the figure at the end of the alley there is rather creepy, which adds a nice touch to the subject.
I agree with you, Grave Maurice, about the I Phone, although I do want to tell you that your pics are always awesome and I do look forward to them on the thread.
A few shots from my more recent wanderings around Whitechapel and Spitalfields.
Wilton's Music Hall on Grace's Alley, with bicycle.
The Water Poet public house on Folgate Street
Blossom Street looking North towards Fleur de Lis Street.
Warehouses on Backchurch Lane
The view from the Minories car park. Royal Mint Street is to the right, with the lines from Fenchurch Street to the left, and the DLR branch from Bank in the middle. The first bricked up archway on the left is the former Swallow Gardens.
Thank you Adam for the picture of William Blake's resting place. Blake was a wonderfully talented man and is an inspiration to me.
Andrew - those are really beautiful photographs - as usual! Thank you - all of you people who make this thread so enjoyable with your photographs. Looking at them makes me long to live in London again - just to step outside the door and into civilization and culture instead of the endless - endless sky-meets-earth-and-smothers-you Fens.
No disrespect to the Fens but they are particularly glum and depressing at this time of year.
Originally posted by Andrew Firth View PostThe view from the Minories car park. Royal Mint Street is to the right, with the lines from Fenchurch Street to the left, and the DLR branch from Bank in the middle. The first bricked up archway on the left is the former Swallow Gardens.
Beautiful as always, Andrew and company. This has to be one of the best collections of photos there is, going all the way back to the beginning of the thread."What our ancestors would really be thinking, if they were alive today, is: "Why is it so dark in here?"" From Pyramids by Sir Terry Pratchett, a British National Treasure.