Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
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Take your premise that the torn apron discovered in Goulston street was in fact placed there by Cathrine Eddows after use as a Giant sanitary towl with the biggest flying wings known to man?
I have been unable to find one ripperologist willing to suport this theory? And was even subject of humour in the recent podcast..Obviously not helped by the fact that it was pionted out to you that Cathrine Eddows was actually carrying small pieces of clothe for that very purpose.
Yet you steam rolled on with your theory ignoring everyones advice because if the killer did indeed drop the apron it meant he was heading EAST not back towards the docks which would have fitted your own theory

So naturally the community (in-fort though it may be) naturally has become cinacal to all your theories even though this might be a little unfair..
Sometime its just better to admit when your wrong and fess up.
There's a classic Black Adder Sketch were Captain red beard Rum claims 'all the other Captains require a crew, I say you dont' you're currently in the metophorical position of going around the Isle of Wright until everyone gets giddy (Those of you who watch Black Adder will know the scene)
Yours Jeff
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOEehh_i_v8 for those of you who dont know Black Adder