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The Curtis Bennett Inquiry

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  • jerryd
    Wasn't C.H Cutbush in charge of the lodging houses in 1888, Robert? Or owned a few?

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  • Robert
    Supt Cutbush reportedly retired owing to an affection of the brain.

    He was afflicted with the belief that the Catholics were out to ruin him, and always carried a revolver.

    Matthews was a Catholic.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Robert View Post
    He shot himself in the head, Abby.
    thank you robert

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  • Robert
    He shot himself in the head, Abby.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
    All very interesting David. Even more so when one takes into account that the Memoranda was suppose to deflect from Thomas Cutbush who was made out to be a relative of Charles; or course that seems not to be the case.

    And of course the reprimand and eventual retirement lead to suicide. Lots to ponder.
    Of course it may be the reason for the Memoranda was to stop any investigation into Charles in case the scandal (non ripper) came out and that would embarrass the police.

    Hi El
    of course with all things ripper-the curious stuff just keeps coming!!LOL.
    Both men had mental problems.
    One liked to stab women
    one was corrupt
    and there last name was CUT-BUSH!!!LOL! maybe they came from a long line of men who liked to cut things. It was in there blood!
    so weird.

    how did he kill himself? don't tell me he cut his own throat

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  • Elamarna
    All very interesting David. Even more so when one takes into account that the Memoranda was suppose to deflect from Thomas Cutbush who was made out to be a relative of Charles; or course that seems not to be the case.

    And of course the reprimand and eventual retirement lead to suicide. Lots to ponder.
    Of course it may be the reason for the Memoranda was to stop any investigation into Charles in case the scandal (non ripper) came out and that would embarrass the police.


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  • MysterySinger
    Superintendent Cutbush has certainly been one of the most interesting players in my relatively short time as a "Ripperologist". There's quite a lot of information on him on the web which is intriguing as well as the Miss Cass saga. He had more than one chip on his shoulder. Looking forward to further revelations on this thread with much interest.
    Last edited by MysterySinger; 04-26-2017, 01:55 AM.

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  • Robert
    Great stuff, David.

    I had assumed that Mossop and Rolfe were a rival firm of contactors, but it seems they were a firm of solicitors.

    Arthur Newton Cook, a partner in Newton & Cook, died in 1889.

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  • Simon Wood
    Hi David,


    I knew it might come in handy.



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  • David Orsam
    Yeah thanks Simon. You may remember I emailed you a copy of that P.O. of 9th Feb 1888, at your request, on 11 January 2015, shortly after I had revealed its existence on the forum on 7 December 2014.

    For discussion of general police procedures, officials and police matters that do not have a specific forum.

    Glad you found it useful!

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  • Simon Wood
    Hi All,

    MEPO 7/50.

    Police Orders, 9th February 1888—

    “A special report, containing the fullest obtainable information and the steps taken by Police, with the names of officers engaged in the inquiry, is to be sent to the Executive Branch immediately on the occurrence of a Crime of such importance as to require the submission of special reports."


    Last edited by Simon Wood; 04-25-2017, 01:39 PM. Reason: spolling mistook

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
    So the senior officer in Scotland Yard to whom all murder reports were to be sent during the summer of 1888 - and to whom the report into the murder of Martha Tabram was indeed sent - was severely reprimanded within barely a week of Tabram's murder.

    A curious turn of events and, no doubt, for someone inclined to think that the murders might have been committed by a senior police officer, we even have a potential motive of revenge!

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  • David Orsam
    From the 1888 Post Office Directory:

    Newton & Cook, brush manufacturers, sponge merchants & warehousemen, 3 & 5 Wardour Street, Soho W

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  • David Orsam
    Home Office to the Receiver dated 7 August 1888:

    With reference to your letter of the 1st inst. and the accompanying copy of a letter received from Messrs Mossop & Rolfe relating to the continuance of Messrs Newton & Cook as Metropolitan Police Contractors I am directed by the Secretary of State to point out to you that Mr. Cook had the opportunity of stating his case fully to Mr. Curtis Bennett who held an enquiry into this very subject. Mr. Secretary Matthews formed his opinion upon the statements made by Mr. Cook in that enquiry and he must adhere to that opinion and decline to reopen the question.

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  • John G
    Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
    So the senior officer in Scotland Yard to whom all murder reports were to be sent during the summer of 1888 - and to whom the report into the murder of Martha Tabram was indeed sent - was severely reprimanded within barely a week of Tabram's murder.

    A curious turn of events and, no doubt, for someone inclined to think that the murders might have been committed by a senior police officer, we even have a potential motive of revenge!
    I wonder if you've inadvertently uncovered Pierre's suspect!

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