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What's your profile for Jack?

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  • Hullo Observer

    Okay, but wasn't money found left in close proximity of Chapman's body? And what of Nichols?
    Valour pleases Crom.


    • Hi Mr Watson

      There was no money found in close proximity to Chapman my freind.

      Regarding Polly Nichols, as Mr Cates implies not all prostitutes demanded their money up front. Besides, who's to say Jack did not go through Polly Nichols pockets and retrieve the money he had given her?




      • Wow.

        Originally posted by Observer View Post
        Hi Mr Watson

        There was no money found in close proximity to Chapman my freind.

        Regarding Polly Nichols, as Mr Cates implies not all prostitutes demanded their money up front. Besides, who's to say Jack did not go through Polly Nichols pockets and retrieve the money he had given her?


        The morning is unkind to my memory. The two beers I had with breakfast prob had nothing to do with. What the hell am I thinking of then?
        Valour pleases Crom.


        • You've probably read at some point that two polished farthings were found at the Chapman scene. This appears to have been a myth.


          • Alcohol at breakfast. Oh dear.


            • Ha ha

              Thanks. I knew I remembered that from something. And nothing wrong with a drink in the morning. So long as you aren't going anywhere. To be fair, this is the first time I've had alcohol with breakfast since I was sixteen. And it was sans the breakfast back then.
              Valour pleases Crom.


              • No problem. Tennessee eh! I'll bet Davy Crockett partook of a little tipple with his brekkie. HaHa


                • Originally posted by Observer View Post
                  Hi Mr Watson

                  There was no money found in close proximity to Chapman my freind.

                  Regarding Polly Nichols, as Mr Cates implies not all prostitutes demanded their money up front. Besides, who's to say Jack did not go through Polly Nichols pockets and retrieve the money he had given her?


                  Point of payment for prostitutes depends on what tier they are. Streetwalkers get paid up front. They have to. They have no protection if someone decides not to pay. Call girls and High price prostitutes get paid after, (cash on the nightstand) because a: its a quality assurance measure, and b: they are indoors, and have more control over the situation.
                  The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                  • Originally posted by Observer View Post
                    No problem. Tennessee eh! I'll bet Davy Crockett partook of a little tipple with his brekkie. HaHa
                    I opted for the beer instead of the Bourbon. Wanted to have a GOOD day off. Would've prefered oj and champagne but fresh out. And despite being in TN I'm sans the accent. Errata can prob tell you about that as well. Sorry back to topic.
                    Valour pleases Crom.


                    • Options

                      It seems providing sex is the most likely explanation for why Eddowes entered MS. If not for that purpose, then what? It might imply some level of trust to accompany someone into the dark to do whatever it might be. I realise this is based off of the accounts of Levy and co.
                      Valour pleases Crom.


                      • Originally posted by Errata View Post
                        Point of payment for prostitutes depends on what tier they are. Streetwalkers get paid up front. They have to. They have no protection if someone decides not to pay. Call girls and High price prostitutes get paid after, (cash on the nightstand) because a: its a quality assurance measure, and b: they are indoors, and have more control over the situation.
                        If you look at my post I implied that both Chapman and Eddowes would have been paid up front. In all probability Nichols too.

                        Both Chapman, and Eddowes, were sighted shortly before their deaths conversing with a man, near to where they were eventually found. Its fair to say that they were in all probability induced by money to retire to the corner of Mitre Square, and the rear yard of 29 Hanbury Street respectively.

                        Lets not forget that Nichols was the worse for wear in drink, and desperate for money. It's possible she was lead along with the promise of payment. What has also got to be took into consideration is whether she was in situ in Bucks Row when Jack came upon her. If so, she would have been quickly despatched without any money changing hands.




                        • Originally posted by Digalittledeeperwatson View Post
                          I opted for the beer instead of the Bourbon. Wanted to have a GOOD day off. Would've prefered oj and champagne but fresh out. And despite being in TN I'm sans the accent. Errata can prob tell you about that as well. Sorry back to topic.
                          Am I in a position to testify to your lack of accent?

                          I mean, I don't really have one either except when I'm exhausted. And even then it's more Savannah than Smokey Mountains. No idea why. I was after all raised here. Well, except that everyone always told us we would be judged as being illiterate bumpkins if we spoke with a southern accent. People from here think I'm a Yankee. People up north think I'm a Midwesterner, people from the Midwest think I'm Californian, and people from California rarely let me get a word in edgewise to judge my accent.
                          The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                          • Decidedly not.

                            Originally posted by Errata View Post
                            Am I in a position to testify to your lack of accent?

                            I mean, I don't really have one either except when I'm exhausted. And even then it's more Savannah than Smokey Mountains. No idea why. I was after all raised here. Well, except that everyone always told us we would be judged as being illiterate bumpkins if we spoke with a southern accent. People from here think I'm a Yankee. People up north think I'm a Midwesterner, people from the Midwest think I'm Californian, and people from California rarely let me get a word in edgewise to judge my accent.
                            Your lack of an accent. Despite their best efforts. Sorry it's very obvious.
                            Valour pleases Crom.


                            • people

                              Have no idea from whence I reside.
                              Valour pleases Crom.


                              • The problem I have with this Profile is I feel the motivation changed during the duration of the murders, and therefore the killer changed too. I will explain my ideas, for what they are worth at the end.
                                A Male, probably quite strong. Taller than victims. Normal looking, educated, motivated and of above average intelligence. Able to earn money, knows the area well, dresses in clothes that make him "grey".
                                Personality probably short tempered or agitated. Perhaps a supressed boaster. Feels above most people like he is somehow, more than them.
                                I think he started Angry and perhaps disorganised, then as the murders and his fame progressed, he became more of a planner. Perhaps wore a simple disguise of some sort (perhaps a false beard or change of hair colour). The sexual nature of the killings could be a red herring. The kidneys are not normally considered sexual, but were attacked as much as the uterus. So, Power over their life, perhaps became the end motive, cannibalism, organ readjustment.
                                He would need to be strong to overpower the victims so quickly and quietly.
                                Taller to be able to apply pressure to the throat from behind.
                                Normal looking, because he didn't repel the victims or make them feel suspicious. You don't turn your back on someone you fear.

