Now i Know that it is obvious to everyone , That there is absolutely nothing to connect in any way, shape or form , the GSG with Freemasonry , and i am fully aware that it is ridicules for anyone to suggest such a thing .. and anyone who does indulge in such silliness should be locked up in the Tower,
1) The word [ Juwes ] a tedious and flimsy historical link to the origins of Freemasonry ( most definitely coincidence or misspelt )
2) Written on the Inner ARCH ( once again ridicules to assume a connection)
3) The Capitalized J M B ( again Coincidental, and nothing more )
4) The carefully sliced off and bloodied APRON.. I'm sure the killer had no real intention of deliberately taking any particular piece ( again Coincidence )
5) Eddows butchered in MITRE SQUARE .. ( uncanny coincidence )
6) Warren .. Leading Freemason ereses message from the wall ! ( Nothing suspicios there )
Now it is obvious to me that all this is coincidence , and I'm sure that if we look hard enough, there are plenty other ways to make 6 solid connections between the GSG and anyone we desire ?
Just thought it was interesting to highlight these 6 coincidences ..
I think Warren was probably giving too much weight to the possibility of social unrest as a result of the GSG being seen and perceived as anti-semitic. No doubt the Leather Apron issues were in his mind, perhaps too the fact that Stride's body had been found adjacent to a Jewish socialist club.

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