Hello Moonbegger,
1) Masons are not the only people to wear aprons. I could name many tradespeople that have nothing to do with 'builders' who wear them.
Butchers, bakers, candlestickmakers, upholsterers, tanners, leather boot workers,,,etc
2) Mitres and squares are tools used in a variety of trades. Including designers, in the case of a square.
3) Mitre Square is built on the site of an old priory, as is the top end of the John Cass school next to it. No Abbot reference in the murder, please note.
4) The placement of the intestines etc, by 'design' is not masonic in its design. Only Stephen Knight put that forward.
5) The writing on the wall reference to Juwes, in Masonic terminology, is not as Knight wrote it either. This has been explained elsewhere by others far more learned than I.
Thank Stephen Knight here too.
No. Incase you wonder. I am not 'on the square' lol.
Best wishes
No announcement yet.
The word JUWES
Hello Edward. Thanks.
Difficult to disagree with you on that. Still, wish I knew exactly what the author had in mind.
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Originally posted by Phil Carter View PostHello Monty,
As I wrote it. I KNOW why I wrote it.
Unless you can read my mind, never assume.
You are incorrect. Sorry.
The post was explained, in full.
Relax. Sit back. Enjoy the show.
If its personal towards you, you'll be told.
It wasnt. Period. So kindly stop looking for black cats in dark tunnels that arent there.
It doesnt do your good name justice.
I see a lot of writing on walls...
Chalk dust. Leaves a residue.
Am so pleased your evening is good. I am in a super light and happy mood. The view from my new residence is excellent.
Best wishes
Stated it was flaming, as it was.
I'm glad you are enjoying the view, may it carry on.
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Bridewell ,
Is there even a tedious and flimsy link, rather than just a mis-spelling?
Ridiculous indeed, as it wasn't an arch and certainly not an inner one.
There were several police around the spot when I arrived, both Metropolitan and City. The writing was on the jamb of the open archway or doorway visible to anybody in the street and could not be covered up without danger of the covering being torn off at once.....
Part of the apron was cut off.
Mitre Square ! Coincidence with what?
If there were six solid connections to anyone it would be interesting, but there aren't.
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Originally posted by Monty View PostNo assumption Phil, sadly its a trait of yours.
I am, a very pleasant one.
As I wrote it. I KNOW why I wrote it.
Unless you can read my mind, never assume.
You are incorrect. Sorry.
The post was explained, in full.
Relax. Sit back. Enjoy the show.
If its personal towards you, you'll be told.
It wasnt. Period. So kindly stop looking for black cats in dark tunnels that arent there.
It doesnt do your good name justice.
I see a lot of writing on walls...
Chalk dust. Leaves a residue.
Am so pleased your evening is good. I am in a super light and happy mood. The view from my new residence is excellent.
Best wishes
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Originally posted by Phil Carter View PostHello Monty,
No. Wrong assumption...again. I expect better of you. Far better.
Ask Simon. It was adressed to him. He isnt inflamed. Never seen M talking to James Bond? 'Oh do come along Bond'. Its a quip I know Simon likes, mutual film interest.
When I inflame, I'll tell you. And then you can squeal and quote chapter and verse from the Highway Code if you wish. Until then, do as youve told me. Relax. Smile.
Three Wise Monkeys isnt inflaming the members here either. Its a clear message I see written on the wall.
There is a lot of writing on the wall infact. Clear as daylight too. It has been photographed, sorry, noted.
Have a pleasant evening, 'Sir' lol
Best wishes
I am, a very pleasant one.
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Originally posted by Monty View PostPhil,
Flaming again. Against Casebook policy.
For the sake of serenity I kindly ask you to refrain.
No. Wrong assumption...again. I expect better of you. Far better. Lol
Ask Simon. It was adressed to him. He isnt inflamed. Never seen M talking to James Bond? 'Oh do come along Bond'. Its a quip I know Simon likes, mutual film interest. The rest was in the same context, to HIM. In jovial mood. Expansion around a theme.
When I inflame, I'll tell you. And then you can squeal and quote chapter and verse from the Highway Code if you wish. Until then, do as youve told me. Relax. Smile.
Three Wise Monkeys isnt inflaming the members here either. Its a clear message I see written on the wall.
There is a lot of writing on the wall infact. Clear as daylight too. It has been photographed, sorry, noted.
Have a pleasant evening, 'Sir' lol
Best wishes
PhilLast edited by Phil Carter; 09-05-2012, 08:21 PM.
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Originally posted by Edward View PostAbby -
Implicates Jews for what? There were probably hundreds, if not thousands of transactions between Jews and Gentiles that took place in Whitechapel on the day in question. It could have been a business deal gone bad, someone not repaying a loan on time, reneged promises, etc. Any of those things could have prompted the GSG on that day. The GSG does not directly reference any specific crime or slight.
Implicates Jews for what?
There were probably hundreds, if not thousands of transactions between Jews and Gentiles that took place in Whitechapel on the day in question. It could have been a business deal gone bad, someone not repaying a loan on time, reneged promises, etc. Any of those things could have prompted the GSG on that day.
It would happen to be found just above a bloody portion of an apron taken from a murder victim.
It would happen to be there in its probable brief appearance at the same time as the apron.
That it would reference Jews, who just happen to have interupted said murderer that night.
That it would have some cryptic message that the Jews are to (or not be) blamed for something.
Also, if it was someone pissed off over a business transaction or the like one would think the message would be more along the lines of "Dont buy from Cohen" or "Leavy is an ass".
The GSG does not directly reference any specific crime or slight
Exactly. But perhaps in the killers mind-thats what the apron is for.
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Originally posted by Simon Wood View PostHi Monty,
OK, let's play according to Halse.
On what pretext [without revealing any details of the bloodied piece of apron or chalked GSG] could PC Bettles have stopped and perhaps quizzed the residents of 108 to 119 Wentworth Model Dwellings on their entry to, or exit from, the building?
He didn't have to. All he had to state is that an incident had occured, as is the procedure today.
He certainly did not have to explain why he was questioning a person, he would have been making enquiries.
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Hi Monty,
OK, let's play according to Halse.
On what pretext [without revealing any details of the bloodied piece of apron or chalked GSG] could PC Bettles have stopped and perhaps quizzed the residents of 108 to 119 Wentworth Model Dwellings on their entry to, or exit from, the building?
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Flaming again. Against Casebook policy.
For the sake of serenity I kindly ask you to refrain.
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Evening all
Above on the wall was written in chalk, "The Jews are the men that will not be blamed for nothing." I at once searched the staircase and areas of the building, but did not find anything else. I took the apron to Commercial-road Police-station and reported to the inspector on duty.
did he wipe out all the anti Semitic graffiti between there and Mitre Square also ?
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Originally posted by Simon Wood View PostHi Monty,
I wasn't attempting to be funny, although I do see that somebody appreciated the joke.
Unless Goulston Street was particularly quiet that morning, then [based on the fears of Arnold and Warren], it's fair to conclude that for about an hour Willie Bettles' lone vigilance in guarding the GSG prevented a riot by the local Jewish community.
Surely you of all people can't deny PC 190H his hour of glory.
There are a few others that may have been in line for a medal that night. All those policemen sent scurrying left, right and centre, but despite their fortitude and courageous dedication to duty, we have no record of any named person they met, and only then did one policeman meet anyone at all... Chucking out time was like a graveyard that night.
Ever wonder why that was? Even Morris ( the Ex-cop) only experienced the three wise monkeys
And John Kelly and his sidekick Wilkinson need a medal of sorts...
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
There wasnt even a streetwalking destitute prostitute recorded that night by all these policemen sent in all directions. Not one did they meet. Not one man. Not one drunk.
Of course- the records are missing and destroyed. But when Halse doesnt even get asked to write down the description of or even, God forbid, identity of the two men HE met and cleared- it doesnt matter really, does it?
Three VERY wise men, Watkins, Long and Halse,
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
I see Simon, Sir, you are a cad and a bounder. You'll get blackballed if you arent careful.
Do come along Wood young man!
Best wishes
PhilLast edited by Phil Carter; 09-05-2012, 07:39 PM.
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Originally posted by Simon Wood View PostUnless Goulston Street was particularly quiet that morning, then [based on the fears of Arnold and Warren], it's fair to conclude that for about an hour Willie Bettles' lone vigilance in guarding the GSG prevented a riot by the local Jewish community.
I'm not suggesting that people really would have rioted, especially since I suspect that a lot of the Jewish population was not so good with the English.
BTW, if the graffito as it has come down to us is close to accurate, it does strike me as a little like something someone whose first language was Yiddish would write, but not enough like it. Maybe the odd wording was someone making fun of a Yiddish accent.
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Well no Simon,
Bettles was positioned there to stop entry and exit of persons, not to guard the writing specifically, well so Long states.
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