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The word JUWES

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  • Beowulf
    Back to the theory of the idea 'Juwes' was a misread "Juives" (meaning Jew) as I recently read in the Jack the Ripper and Black Magic book, I found it his hypothesis interesting.

    From the Pall Mall Gazette article, written by D'Onston:


    Therefore we place a dot above the third upstroke in the word Juwes, and we find it to be Juives, which is the French word for Jews. Strictly Juives and grammatically speaking, of course, it is the feminine form of Juifs and means 'Jewesses.' But in practice it will be found that (French*men being notoriously the worst linguists in the world) most Frenchmen who are not either litterateurs or men of science are very inaccurate as to their genders. And almost all the ouvrier and a large majority of the bourgeois class use the feminine where the word should be masculine. Even the Emperor Napoleon III was a great sinner in this respect, as his voluminous correspondence amply shows.

    Therefore, it is evident that the native language - or, to be more accurate, the language in which this murderer thinks - is French.

    The murderer is, therefore, a Frenchman."...

    "Now, in one of the books by the great modern occultist who wrote under the nom de plume of 'Eliphaz Levy', 'Le Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie,' we find the most elaborate directions for working mag*ical spells of all kinds. The second volume has a chapter on Necromancy, or black magic, which the author justly denounces as a profanation. Black magic employs the agencies of evil spirits and demons, instead of the beneficent spirits directed by the adepts of la haute magie. At the same time he gives the clearest and fullest details of the necessary steps for evocation by this means, and it is in the list of substances prescribed as absolutely necessary to success that we find the link which joins modern French necromancy with the quest of the East-end murderer. These substances are in themselves horrible, and difficult to procure. They can only be obtained by means of the most appalling crimes, of which murder and mutilation of the dead are the least heinous. Among them are strips of the skin of a suicide, nails from a murderer's gallows, candles made from human fat, the head of a black cat which has been fed forty days on human flesh, the horns of a goat which has been made the instrument of an infamous capital crime, and a preparation made from a certain portion of the body of a harlot. This last point is insisted upon as essential and it was this extraordinary fact that first drew my attention to the possible connection of the murderer with the black art."

    At this time I know little to nothing regarding D'Onston, but it is an interesting point.

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  • Simon Wood
    Hi Colin,

    It's 6-4 Monty goes for Warren.

    Plus I'll have an each-way bet on PC Willy Bettles.


    Last edited by Simon Wood; 09-01-2012, 10:31 PM. Reason: incompetence

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  • moonbegger
    Originally posted by Sally View Post
    If there really was, Moonbeggar, I imagine somebody would have noticed by now?
    Hi Sally ,

    I think a few have

    And Don ,

    Yes you are Correct , and i apologize , This is indeed a great article by Rosey O'ryan ..

    As you are well aware, the term "Juwes", exists in medieval manuscripts pertaining to that people who refer to themselves as "Jews" yet transliteration variation in this period uses the the term "Juwes". Since Freemasonary bases its foundation on manuscripts of this earlier period...not the 19th century...we may assume that this term "Juwes" could be a direct reference to the three enigmatic figures in the medieval lore of earlier Freemasonary, i.e., the construction of the House of Wisdom, aka, 'Solomon's Temple'. This era of frenetic philological speculation of those three rogues was long before the birth of America and Freemasonary in general.
    Gosh, we have so much to learn about alphabetical desires, in general. But I guess Warren knew better than we do...since he was an expert on medieval manuscripts about the "Juwes" and the "Temple of Solomon".
    As Ever, Rosey :-)


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  • Bridewell
    The Accurate Version

    Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
    Hi Monty,

    Which of the many GSG versions is accurate?

    Which twin has the Toni?

    So many questions . . .


    Hi Simon,

    I would go with Halse as he was the person who was most anxious to preserve the GSG, but I don't see how it is possible to be certain. (This is the point where Monty comes out with one of his devastating one-liners, and I ask myself 'Why didn't I think of that?')

    Regards, Bridewell.

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  • Monty
    Hi Simon,

    The one which was recorded correctly and often quoted.


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  • Simon Wood
    Hi Monty,

    Which of the many GSG versions is accurate?

    Which twin has the Toni?

    So many questions . . .



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  • Monty
    Originally posted by Bridewell View Post

    Regards, Bridewell.
    Then its a good job we have an accurate recording.


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  • Lechmere
    Yes we must always strive for accuracy...
    ...while at the same time being open to new ideas and interpretations and not rely on people in the past having noticed things. If mankind universally adopted that way of thinking we would still be in caves. We are indeed fortunate that some people are not hidebound and restricted by convention.

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  • Bridewell
    For what purpose?

    Regards, Bridewell.

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  • Sally
    This whole Freemason thing has become a Taboo subject on here , Like making eye contact on the Tube ( London underground ) but if there really is a bunch of facts that all point in one direction , we are really doing ourselves a disservice but looking the other way .
    If there really was, Moonbeggar, I imagine somebody would have noticed by now?

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  • Supe

    Can you please get the scholarship correct. The post was by Krinoid, but he acknowledged back when he first posted it that he had borrowed from someone whose name he had forgotten.

    In fact, as he just posted up, the original post was by Rosey O'Ryan on October 3, 2005, and it is to her the research credit belongs. Why is it so difficult for you to understand that?


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  • moonbegger
    Hello all ,

    As you are well aware, the term "Juwes", exists in medieval manuscripts pertaining to that people who refer to themselves as "Jews" yet transliteration variation in this period uses the the term "Juwes". Since Freemasonary bases its foundation on manuscripts of this earlier period...not the 19th century...we may assume that this term "Juwes" could be a direct reference to the three enigmatic figures in the medieval lore of earlier Freemasonary, i.e., the construction of the House of Wisdom, aka, 'Solomon's Temple'. This era of frenetic philological speculation of those three rogues was long before the birth of America and Freemasonary in general.
    Gosh, we have so much to learn about alphabetical desires, in general. But I guess Warren knew better than we do...since he was an expert on medieval manuscripts about the "Juwes" and the "Temple of Solomon".

    Does this Excellent post by Krinoid not link the word [Juwes] with fundamental Freemasonry, the very bedrock of everything that followed ?

    Tie that in along with the Bloody apron cut from Eddows ,

    The writing on the inside of the Arch ..

    And there is this interesting article i read ,

    .In Freemasonry What is meant by the letters J.M.B. on the triangular stone? They are the initials of the three Hebrew words, Joshagn, Mawkoms, Bawheer – signifying "the elect sleeps in his place."

    Now, if you look at the Goulston Street Graffiti, you can see that these three letters "J.M.B." are capitalized. This is how the City of London policeman and the Metropolitan Policeman recorded the graffiti after having seen it or just prior to its removal. This particular phrase would only have significance to a higher level Freemason, like Warren, and was a clue/sign that these murders were committed by Royal Arch Masons, and the murderers, as such, were to be shielded at all costs. May it be remembered that William Morgan himself, was also killed by Royal Arch Masons and Knights Templars.

    I am not really convinced either way , but there really is only so much i can accept as coincidence , and my coincidence tray is getting full

    Hopefully someone out there can enlighten me that all the above is fiction ?

    This whole Freemason thing has become a Taboo subject on here , Like making eye contact on the Tube ( London underground ) but if there really is a bunch of facts that all point in one direction , we are really doing ourselves a disservice but looking the other way .



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  • Monty
    Originally posted by Bridewell View Post
    Fair point, although it would have settled the never-ending argument over the wording.
    Having made the decision to erase, the failure to make an accurate (& consistent) record of the wording was thoroughly unprofessional, principally by Warren who was the senior officer present and should have ensured that this was done.

    Regards, Bridewell
    For what purpose?


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  • Bridewell
    Photographing would have been of no benefit whatsoever.
    Fair point, although it would have settled the never-ending argument over the wording.
    Having made the decision to erase, the failure to make an accurate (& consistent) record of the wording was thoroughly unprofessional, principally by Warren who was the senior officer present and should have ensured that this was done.

    Regards, Bridewell

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  • curious4
    Hello Monty,

    You probably already know this, but I seem to remember reading that the police were waiting for it to be light enough to take a photograph.

    Best wishes,

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