Originally posted by Leanne
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The GSG - Did Jack write it? POLL
Originally posted by Leanne View Post
Why did she put it back in her pocket after she used it, and replace it with one of the 12 pieces of rag?
www.trevormarriott.co.ukLast edited by Trevor Marriott; 07-07-2019, 05:16 AM.
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Originally posted by Joshua Rogan View Post
The mortuary apron-piece was cut into two, Trevor. It also had bloodstains, as Dr Brown mentions;
Morning Advertiser 5 Oct
"Was your attention called to this portion of an apron which was found upon the woman?-It was. There were stains of blood upon the apron.
Are the stains of recent origin?-They are"
bearing in mind at the mortuary when the body was stripped and they were taking note of all the cuts to her clothing and the bloodstains why did they not make mention of the apron being cut or blood stained if she was supposed to be wearing an apron. Theyt didn so what does that tell us ?
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Hi Leanne,
It's an unwritten rule of Ripperology that you must never ask sensible questions.
SimonLast edited by Simon Wood; 07-07-2019, 04:34 AM.
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If the apron in her possessions was in one piece, and Jack needed it to wipe his knife and hands, why didn't he just grab and take off with the whole apron?
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Originally posted by harry View PostAll those little bits and pieces Eddowes had in her possession.How did she carry them? Too much to be carried in the hands,and the apron didn't appear to have pockets.Two pockets were mentioned though,but not claimed to hold anything.Perhaps the apron piece found by long acted as a holdall?
Why would she be wearing an apron at that time?
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Originally posted by harry View PostAll those little bits and pieces Eddowes had in her possession.How did she carry them? Too much to be carried in the hands,and the apron didn't appear to have pockets.Two pockets were mentioned though,but not claimed to hold anything.Perhaps the apron piece found by long acted as a holdall?
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All those little bits and pieces Eddowes had in her possession.How did she carry them? Too much to be carried in the hands,and the apron didn't appear to have pockets.Two pockets were mentioned though,but not claimed to hold anything.Perhaps the apron piece found by long acted as a holdall?
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Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
The Star, 2nd October 1888, knew the answer—
“That he [dropped the bloodstained rag] in Goulston Street does not occasion any surprise. The police have never doubted that this midnight murderer lived in the midst of the community he has been terrorising.”
The piece of apron provided the police with a rationale for conducting an extensive house-to-house search amongst the Jews of the East End, details of which were included in Chief Inspector Swanson's 19th October report.
That's why the apron piece was planted in Goulston Street.
The Star published speculation, that's how they made their money, that's how they sold copy.
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Originally posted by Leanne View PostIf the apron piece was her santitary napkin, why did just throw it in someone elses doorway?
In regards to just trowing it into a doorway, I have no problem with that, impoverished/homeless people have a special kind of hatred for society that manifests itself in many passive aggressive ways, leaving their flit behind is one of them.
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