Hi all...
Just wanted to ask an age old question, that I felt like reigniting again...
Was the Ripper married and did he have kids?
I know that's technically 2 questions, but you get the idea.
The reason I ask is because I wanted to ascertain how the answer to that question can impact on our overall perception of what kind of man the Ripper was.
Does an element of bias sway your perception either way; depending on whether you favour a particular suspect?
How does the possibility that he may have had a wife and kids affect your opinions on the case?
What is there to both support AND counter BOTH ideas; that he was a family man OR a lone bachelor?
Just wanted to ask an age old question, that I felt like reigniting again...
Was the Ripper married and did he have kids?
I know that's technically 2 questions, but you get the idea.
The reason I ask is because I wanted to ascertain how the answer to that question can impact on our overall perception of what kind of man the Ripper was.
Does an element of bias sway your perception either way; depending on whether you favour a particular suspect?
How does the possibility that he may have had a wife and kids affect your opinions on the case?
What is there to both support AND counter BOTH ideas; that he was a family man OR a lone bachelor?