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Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
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You misunderstand.
I hold no interest in you alledged new research. I am merely asking for evidence of this cartel.
You see, someone a while back stated, quite clearly, that I was part of one. I asked them to either cite the evidence (of which I knew none exsisted, as I am not part of such a group) or retract it with an apology otherwise Admin would be getting a mail of complaint. Such false accusations will not be tolerated by me.
It was then they got all arsey and dared me to do just that as they would not be apologising. I did, and the next thing I heard was a grand announcement that they were leaving the boards for good, that the boards were corrupt and censored the posts.
I drew the only logical conclusion, that they had an ass spanking from Admin and they just spat the dummy. Suffice to say, many months after stating they would not return, they have. And that is great as they often have something excellent to contribute.
Now, as Ive asked I'll ask again, have you any evidence of them....those Cartel Trolls? If so cite it, or are you mere bluster?