Originally posted by celee
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I dont take any for fools, but I do think everyone of them had personal and professional angst and frustration that led them to categorize a patch of murders too quickly.
The Whitechapel Murderer was "Jack", before Dear Boss gave him the name. They called him that, not just referring to the Whitechapel Murders, but the Whitechapel Murderer.
And he was thought to start these nasty murders in the Spring, with Annie, Ada and Emma. Even though in Emma's case she stated herself it was 3 or 4 men that attacked her before she dies. Martha is added, but with new viciousness. Then something new starts. By the end of the Canonical list Martha and all the other women are now dead by someone else, and Jack killed the post mortem mutilated ones. They even added a non-mutilated one because they knew he was working the area and he kills later, within 45 minutes and 15 minute walk.
I think many people feel the same way today, without the same pressures that the investigators were under, and that to me doesnt make sense. We dont have to solve these quickly....they did.
To Mike, I disagree obviously with the nature of Liz Strides murder, It appears to me she was grabbed by her scarf, had it twisted tight to choke her, used it to pull her off balance, and then brutally slit her throat and dropped her. Since she is holding cashous, it would seem the second or two before the attack she did not anticipate it, and I can see one smart ass remark dissing the man she is with turning very bad for her by his anger.
I think she said something to incite his rage, maybe on purpose thinking she was safe to, and it backfired on her so badly she was lying on the ground bleeding to death within 2 seconds. At least I believe that satisfies the circumstantial aspects as they appear.
All the best