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Exhumation of the victims today.

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  • Exhumation of the victims today.

    I look at a bbc documentary from C. 2000 and the vain (in all senses of the word) "autopsies" of Sickert's paintings performed by Cornwell and this had me thinking. Could exhumation of the canonical five provide forensic answers hitherto unknown? Or would time preclude expertes from discovering anything new?

    Would exhumation and forensic analysis of the corpses shed any new light?

  • #2
    Hello there,

    Wynne Weston Davies, 'prosector', is your main man for this at the moment. Here's a brief thread he started.

    As many of you know, I have spent much of the last 30 years trying to prove that MJK was my great aunt Elizabeth Weston-Davies or Craig as she was married to Francis Spurzheim Craig. Two additional snippets of evidence: Craig, who was editor of the East London Advertiser placed an announcement of the marriage in the ELA on 3rd

    It's specifically MJK, but he's done some interesting research and is worth looking into. There's a Rippercast available and something in Ripperologist, but I couldn't tell you which one.

    Thems the Vagaries.....


    • #3
      There's a lengthy analysis somewhere of the pros and cons of exhuming MJK, and the conclusion was that it would not be worth doing because, among other things, it may be impossible to locate and verify her actual remains.


      • #4
        Exhumation probably wouldn’t yield new clues concerning the killer but DNA could help locate living relatives for MJK. But probably not going to happen.



        • #5
          A small point often missed in the discussion regarding Kelly's exhumation, and I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but...

          Sapere Aude


          • #6
            Thank you to the person who liked my post (I'm sad I know!)

            And I am not wrong.

            And I'm unanimous in this!
            Sapere Aude


            • #7

              I hope Prosector finds his great aunt,however I am confident that MJK was a 29 year old local named Mary Ann Kelly.
              Last edited by DJA; 04-05-2021, 05:23 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by DJA View Post

                I hope Prosector finds his great aunt,however I am confident that MJK was a 29 year old local named Mary Ann Kelly.
                G' Day DJA,

                I have a candidate for Kelly too and we can't all be right!

                I have a lot of time for Prosector's book. I thought it was very well written.

                My candidate for JTR (got one of those too) was a surgeon's son and I found some interesting and useful material in his book regarding JTR's supposed anatomical skill and/or knowledge.

                FWIW my take on the Miller's Court event is that another person (not Kelly) was murdered to kill off the investigation and to provide cover for Kelly's relocation.

                Notwithstanding one should never say never, the authorities will never allow the exhumation of the supposed body of Kelly to avoid the possibility of DNA being extracted from it and used to prove it wasn't Kelly after all.

                My 2d.
                Sapere Aude


                • #9
                  Good luck.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post
                    Notwithstanding one should never say never, the authorities will never allow the exhumation of the supposed body of Kelly to avoid the possibility of DNA being extracted from it and used to prove it wasn't Kelly after all.
                    I'm constantly amazed by people's belief in present-day governments being willing to risk their political life for safeguarding a supposed, unprovable conspiracy that happened more than a century ago.

                    Seems like an awful lot of paperwork and bureaucracy to keep track of "untouchable" graves over a span over 130 years, in order to maintain a secret that no-one in government cares about. Frankly, I think the UK government has more worrying concerns than covering up an ancient conspiracy. Which also never happened anyway.

                    The reasons for not exhuming the bodies seem pretty clear: it's highly unlikely that MJK's body will be found, and one would have to disturb 10-20 other graves in order to attempt it. Plus the potential benefit (DNA-analysis of MJK) is very small and unlikely to bring any furtherance of the ends of justice - while she might potentially be better id'ed, there's absolutely no reason to think that analysing her DNA would bring her killer to justice.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kattrup View Post
                        I'm constantly amazed by people's belief in present-day governments being willing to risk their political life for safeguarding a supposed, unprovable conspiracy that happened more than a century ago.

                        Seems like an awful lot of paperwork and bureaucracy to keep track of "untouchable" graves over a span over 130 years, in order to maintain a secret that no-one in government cares about. Frankly, I think the UK government has more worrying concerns than covering up an ancient conspiracy. Which also never happened anyway.

                        The reasons for not exhuming the bodies seem pretty clear: it's highly unlikely that MJK's body will be found, and one would have to disturb 10-20 other graves in order to attempt it. Plus the potential benefit (DNA-analysis of MJK) is very small and unlikely to bring any furtherance of the ends of justice - while she might potentially be better id'ed, there's absolutely no reason to think that analysing her DNA would bring her killer to justice.
                        One fine example of level-headed thinking, well done that man!
                        Regards, Jon S.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Kattrup View Post
                          1. I'm constantly amazed by people's belief in present-day governments being willing to risk their political life for safeguarding a supposed, unprovable conspiracy that happened more than a century ago.

                          2. Seems like an awful lot of paperwork and bureaucracy to keep track of "untouchable" graves over a span over 130 years, in order to maintain a secret that no-one in government cares about. Frankly, I think the UK government has more worrying concerns than covering up an ancient conspiracy. Which also never happened anyway.

                          3. The reasons for not exhuming the bodies seem pretty clear: it's highly unlikely that MJK's body will be found, and one would have to disturb 10-20 other graves in order to attempt it. Plus the potential benefit (DNA-analysis of MJK) is very small and unlikely to bring any furtherance of the ends of justice - while she might potentially be better id'ed, there's absolutely no reason to think that analysing her DNA would bring her killer to justice.
                          Thanks for sharing your opinions on my opinions.

                          To be clear, I didn't state that the only reason exhumation will not be take place is because the authorities didn't want the "Kelly"'s body identified to protect the JTR conspiracy. I am like everyone else reading this thread are already aware of the impracticabilities of exhumation. I was merely adding another reason why it wouldn't go ahead.

                          Last edited by mpriestnall; 04-06-2021, 12:58 PM.
                          Sapere Aude


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                            One fine example of level-headed thinking, well done that man!
                            Not so level-headed when Kattup argued against a point (reason for non-exhumation) that no one actually made and that everyone already generally accepted.
                            Sapere Aude


                            • #15
                              It just needed to be said, in my view.
                              Far too many nonsense-based conspiracy theories these days. I have to wonder what the world is coming to. This was such a minor example but Kattrup nailed it.
                              Don't take it personal Martyn.
                              Regards, Jon S.

