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St Jude church - map/street plan needed

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  • St Jude church - map/street plan needed

    Hi folks... have wasted most of today trying to find a clear street map/plan showing exactly where St Jude's church was - to no avail.

    So in desperation I am asking if anyone has such a thing in their digital collection.


    Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

    Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -

  • #2
    This one?
    St Judes Church, Commercial Street E1 [1848-1925]
    The church of St Jude, where Canon Samuel Barnett was
    vicar from 1873-94, was built in 1845-48 but declared
    redundant and demolished in 1925 because the majority
    of the local residents were of Jewish origin. The church
    was on the east side of the south end of Commercial
    Street in front of what is now Toynbee Hall.


    • #3
      Originally posted by yen_powell View Post
      This one?
      St Judes Church, Commercial Street E1 [1848-1925]
      The church of St Jude, where Canon Samuel Barnett was
      vicar from 1873-94, was built in 1845-48 but declared
      redundant and demolished in 1925 because the majority
      of the local residents were of Jewish origin. The church
      was on the east side of the south end of Commercial
      Street in front of what is now Toynbee Hall.
      Yes, that is the one. I am trying to get a good clear street plan.
      Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

      Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

Name:	WC3b.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	128.5 KB
ID:	665007

        Roy C
        Sink the Bismark


        • #5
          Originally posted by Roy Corduroy View Post

          Roy C
          Thanks Roy. Who is "Sir George"?

          What a pity it does not show Tewkesbury Buildings. I was keen to see the layout of them, and see how close they were to St Jude's. Perhaps someone else will have a map that shows this.

          Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

          Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


          • #6
            Originally posted by HelenaWojtczak View Post
            Thanks Roy. Who is "Sir George"?

            What a pity it does not show Tewkesbury Buildings. I was keen to see the layout of them, and see how close they were to St Jude's. Perhaps someone else will have a map that shows this.

            Two good questions there, Helena.

            Probably not 'Sir George Chapman'.

            In the 1898 Booth Survey Tewkesury NEW Buildings are mentioned but there is no clue to their exact whereabouts.

            I suppose that Rob Clack could maybe sort this one out.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Stephen Thomas View Post

              Probably not 'Sir George Chapman'.

              Originally posted by Stephen Thomas View Post

              In the 1898 Booth Survey Tewkesury NEW Buildings are mentioned but there is no clue to their exact whereabouts.

              I suppose that Rob Clack could maybe sort this one out.
              I've seen the big Ripper map, but I would like to see another to check, because that is a newly-drawn one.

              Yes they are "new" because they were rebuilt on the same site.

              Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

              Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


              • #8
                Here's the May 1890s Goad Map which shows the location of Tewksbury Buildings.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Sheet 319 Tewksbury Buildings May 1890.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	217.3 KB
ID:	665008



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rob Clack View Post
                  Here's the May 1890s Goad Map which shows the location of Tewksbury Buildings.



                  Thank you SO much!

                  So, it's Sir George's Dwellings for Girls. Some titled benefactor.

                  The White Hart is also a brewery! Where did they do the brewin'?

                  Looking at Tewkesbury Blgs, where "my" Mr Chapman lived of course, I wonder what the letters inside the houses mean (like, 3?) D I imagine means dwelling...? Maybe 3 means storeys?

                  This is an extraordinary map, Rob, I could look at it all day, I'd be totally spellbound.

                  Where can I see the rest of it - or more - of it?

                  Last edited by HelenaWojtczak; 06-23-2013, 12:41 PM.
                  Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

                  Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


                  • #10
                    Here's the full map Helena,

                    Your right the 3 means storeys and the D means Dwellings.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Sheet 319 George Yard May 1890.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	205.4 KB
ID:	665009



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rob Clack View Post
                      Here's the full map Helena,

                      Your right the 3 means storeys and the D means Dwellings.


                      Goad must have been a clever man to use notation that are so guessable.

                      Thanks for that map. Is that the only bit you have? How have Goad maps passed me by for the past two years? As I am writing about Chapman, I am interested in this piece very much - White Hart, George Yard etc.

                      Annoyingly, I only just finished typesetting the book today and adding a map will mess up everything: I could only include it by removing some other illustrations. Hmmm...

                      Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

                      Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


                      • #12
                        The Goad maps were usually so detailed (they were used as Fire Insurance Plans) they had to be done on large sheets about 3 feet by 2 feet. And they could only fit two to three blocks on one sheet.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rob Clack View Post
                          The Goad maps were usually so detailed (they were used as Fire Insurance Plans) they had to be done on large sheets about 3 feet by 2 feet. And they could only fit two to three blocks on one sheet.


                          Hi Rob

                          Yes indeed, I have read up about them now. I'm still a bit stunned that they have never come onto my radar before (not that I am a cartographical historian but...)

                          So where did you get that one (I assume you have only one)?

                          I will have to study it and see if it helps with my text even if I cannot find space to reproduce it.

                          Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

                          Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by HelenaWojtczak View Post
                            Hi Rob

                            Yes indeed, I have read up about them now. I'm still a bit stunned that they have never come onto my radar before (not that I am a cartographical historian but...)

                            So where did you get that one (I assume you have only one)?

                            I will have to study it and see if it helps with my text even if I cannot find space to reproduce it.


                            Hi Helena,

                            I have a few. I mostly got them from places like Tower Hamlets Local History Library, The London Metropolitan Library and The British Library. Not all parts of London are covered and only certain years are available, but the dates range from 1887 up to about 1956.



                            • #15
                              Rob I am trying to study George Yard Buildings, but when I zoom in, in Photoshop, so that the map is big enough to read, all the text becomes blurred. I'd like to match up the Goad map with what various authors have written about the Tabram killing etc.

                              George Chapman's bro-in-law said that they used to live "in Commercial St" and now, seeing that Goad plan, I see that TB opened into a yard that opened into Commercial St, so perhaps he was referring to TB?

                              Helena Wojtczak BSc (Hons) FRHistS.

                              Author of 'Jack the Ripper at Last? George Chapman, the Southwark Poisoner'. Click this link : -

