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  • Wine.

    It could cost £7 or it could cost £70.

    O have you seen the devle
    with his mikerscope and scalpul
    a lookin at a Kidney
    With a slide cocked up.


    • When I was a waiter many years ago sometimes a customer would ask for a call brand in their drink meaning a specific brand of liquor. We always gave them what they asked for but charged them more than if they wanted a run of the mill liquor. I would stand at the bar and watch the bartender pour it from the requested brand bottle. Numerous times the customer would call me over and say sir, I ordered such and such and this is not it. I would say sir, I'm sorry but I watched the bartender pour it. They would get all huffy and say don't tell me that I have been drinking such and such for years. I would take it back to the bartender who would usually call the person an idiot and proceed to pour another from the exact same bottle. Now THIS is such and such they would say. Putz.

      Oh yeah and sometimes people would order red wine and complain that it wasn't cold.


      P.S. And if you are wise never send a steak or anything back to the kitchen. They don't take kindly to it.


      • And one more story (I got a bunch). A customer ordered a steak and when I asked him how he wanted it cooked he said burnt black on the outside and raw in the middle. I thought right, very funny. But he was absolutely serious. When I told the kitchen what they wanted the cook said oh yeah, a Pittsburgh. Go figure.



        • Poor Training.

          The first "REAL" job that I had was as a busser/dishwasher at a restaurant. (This was MANY years ago). I was 16 or so, and training was minimal and when I bussed a table that had had a large group at it, they did NOT tell me what to do with the tip that had just been left on the table (something on the order of $25). So, not knowing any better, I just bussed it and was going to ask as soon as I saw Someone. Well, we got busy, and I got delayed in doing so. Maybe 10 minutes later, the waitress comes flying in on her broomstick, literally screaming about her tip. There was a big fuss, and although I didn't get fired IMMEDIATELY (there was no one else to wash dishes on a Saturday Night), when I showed up for my next shift, I was told that I was fired (no more detail was given me).


          • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
            And one more story (I got a bunch). A customer ordered a steak and when I asked him how he wanted it cooked he said burnt black on the outside and raw in the middle. I thought right, very funny. But he was absolutely serious. When I told the kitchen what they wanted the cook said oh yeah, a Pittsburgh. Go figure.

            I thought that was the first line of the old joke c.d. With the customers response being “well that what I got the last time I ate here!”

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • The cocktail waitresses at my restaurant used to wear these long, slinky black dresses with a slit up the side. On Friday and Saturday nights they had extra busboys helping out. They were usually 16 or 17 year-old high school kids. The waitresses would approach them getting very close and bat their lashes saying I know that's not your table but do you think you could clear it just for me? Followed by a little shot of cleavage to go with the request. Poor kids. They could barely manage to mumble a yes and you could see the perspiration forming on their faces.



              • People you don't know who call you and leave a voice mail message asking you to call them back. When they give their number they hold their hand over their mouth and say it at the speed of sound and don't repeat it a second time. Idjits.



                • Originally posted by chubbs View Post

                  Yup .
                  'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                  • cd i worked at a lot of restaurants too when i was younger. i the remember my first time the waiters warned me that scottish people and or pipe smokers were always cheap on the tip. so true lol.

                    speaking of getting sacked..I got canned once as a bouncer because i refused to work on xmas eve. of course there was a huge fight that night and my manager had to break it up because no one would work the door that night. the next time i was scheduled to work a few days later i go in and was greeted by manager sporting a big ole black eye and my last pay check. i laughed my arse off all the way home.

                    i got a hundred of these stories. too funny.
                    "Is all that we see or seem
                    but a dream within a dream?"

                    -Edgar Allan Poe

                    "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                    quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                    -Frederick G. Abberline


                    • I just arrived at my aunts house to find her watching Dickinson’s Real Deal (for non-UK posters it’s a programme where people bring in items which dealers try and buy)

                      Before the programme came on the announcer said, something like “and now Dickinson’s Real Deal which contains two drawings of naked women by a well known artist.”

                      This wasn’t just a bit of information about what was for sale today, this was a warning. A ‘naked woman drawing’ alert.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • People who refuse to watch old, classic movies because they are in black and white or say something like well there were no car chases or explosions and no special effects.



                        • Deleted.
                          Last edited by mpriestnall; 03-01-2025, 09:18 AM.
                          Sapere Aude


                          • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                            People who refuse to watch old, classic movies because they are in black and white or say something like well there were no car chases or explosions and no special effects.

                            Black and white is no issue for me. A lot of the best Dr Who eps are in black and white
                            O have you seen the devle
                            with his mikerscope and scalpul
                            a lookin at a Kidney
                            With a slide cocked up.

