Originally posted by Ms Diddles
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You really have no idea what is happening all across Europe do you?
I can accept your view if it is based on ignorance, I know some people do not have access to world news via Youtube. I'm not talking about Youtubers, Influencers, or those who post 'click-bait' news clips. I'm talking about mainstream news from Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Germany, etc. Millions, yes millions of migrants are flooding across Europe with an aim to settle in France & the UK.
What you don't seem to appreciate is, it only takes one radical Muslim to embed himself in a town, and the whole Muslim community is obliged to follow his instruction, they know this because that is how the Islamic Republic operate in the countries our mainstream Muslims fled from.
They are not in favor of the same people following them over here and compelling them to support the Islamic Regime.
You/We are not dealing with rational, educated, members of a modern society, they are totally against democracy. Have no respect for debate & making deals.
You/We are dealing with a culture & theology that is right out of the dark-age 7th century middle east.
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