Originally posted by Wickerman
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That's not strictly true Jon
The fundermental difference between the largest 2 opposing groups stems from Muhammed himself; in that the Sunni Muslims believe that the prophet Muhammad appointed nobody as the new leader of Islam; and the appointment came after his death; whereas the Shia's believe that Muhammed chose a successor though his brother in law, and that Muhammad's bloodline descendants have the divine right to rule.
Sunni Muslims make up to around 85% to 90% of all Muslims; whereas Shia Muslims only make up only around 10%
In terms of being politically and ethically moderate, its important to note that
Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram and Islamic State are all SUNNI Muslim extremist Jihadi groups.
3 of the worst groups on the planet.
There are comparatively fewer Shia extremist jihadi groups.
Nearly all the terrorist attacks on UK and US soil have been committed by SUNNI Muslim extremist groups.
Throughout history Shia Muslims have been regarded by Sunni's as a minority in every sense and have long persecuted the Shia Muslims as a result.
Iran of course being the odd one out as the world's number one predominant Shia Muslim state.
Iran in that sense are very much isolated as one of the only countries to hold a Shia political and religious majority; that countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan and Indonesia dislike immensely.
Ultimately, nobody likes or trusts Iran, even the more moderate Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia.
But its important to note that the majority of Islamic extremist terrorists are Sunni and not Shia.
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