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A massive thank you..

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by Tani View Post
    Really sorry to hear this! I hope the community here can give you some solace. I hope you are receiving the proper help in good time.
    Thank you and they do. If laughter is the best for of medicine I'll be right as rain soon enough, after all I took upon my return to read all the threads about Lechmere and certainly has 'given me fits' so to speak. At the moment the forum is full of wonderful characters all with their bit to offer and again I thank each and everyone of them. Great place to disappear down the rabbit hole.

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  • Tani
    Really sorry to hear this! I hope the community here can give you some solace. I hope you are receiving the proper help in good time.

    I've also returned from another forum which was driving me crazy. I've found this place much friendlier. It has definitely helped me.

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by mpriestnall View Post
    Sorry to be nosy(!) but presumably your still waiting on the MSK clinic for a scan appointment? It must be all very frustrating for you.
    No not at all, nosey is good. Yes I think I've about 4 weeks and 6 days, not that I'm counting until my 15 weeks waiting time for the MSK clinic to arrive. All they will do is send for an MRI. Then there is the wait for that. Then the wait for the results, then the wait to get back to the MSK for the actual treatment. I might be done by Christmas

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  • Al Bundy's Eyes
    Originally posted by Scott Nelson View Post
    They will probably try to talk you out of playing the bass guitar.
    Something light should be fine, a bit of Simon and Garfunkel maybe, but Funk is right out.

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  • Al Bundy's Eyes
    Hi Geddy,

    Sorry to hear about the ailments, back issues are difficult to treat so you may not be any better off for seeing a consultant but at least you might know what caused the problem. Time and physiotherapy are probably what will get you through it. Just keep at it, try not to let it get you down too much.

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  • Scott Nelson
    They will probably try to talk you out of playing the bass guitar.

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  • mpriestnall
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

    First time I visited my GP they referred me to the 'consultant' after stating he thought it was fractured. Apparently a simple running of the fingers down your back and waiting for you to scream is the test for this. Would not give me decent painkillers.
    I went to an emergency GP out of hours ten or so days later, they give me a short course of diazepam. Not much improvement.
    Received letter about consultant appointment saying if not heard anything by the 30th April get in touch. Visited the GP again, still would not give me decent painkillers. The 30th came, rang them up, oh it's not for a consultant as such it's for an MSK physio to assess you to see what is required.
    A week later I managed to get an appointment with the in house physio, she would not touch me as I was already waiting for the MSK one. The phone call to the MSK appointment service on the 30th April said normal waiting times were 15 weeks so still had six or so to wait.
    And here I am... no further forward with a possibly badly healed spinal fracture, unable to leave the house, difficulty in walking, can't drive, can't even put my own socks on. The local housing agency did come out and fit some 'aids' to help which I'm grateful for but the whole experience has been rather demoralising both physically and mentally... hence my thanks in this thread.
    Hi Geddy2112, sorry to hear about the injury and I wish you a speedy recovery...and I'm sorry to hear that about the delays in being seen by the MSK clinic etc.

    Sorry to be nosy(!) but presumably your still waiting on the MSK clinic for a scan appointment? It must be all very frustrating for you.

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    You’ve seen a GP?
    First time I visited my GP they referred me to the 'consultant' after stating he thought it was fractured. Apparently a simple running of the fingers down your back and waiting for you to scream is the test for this. Would not give me decent painkillers.
    I went to an emergency GP out of hours ten or so days later, they give me a short course of diazepam. Not much improvement.
    Received letter about consultant appointment saying if not heard anything by the 30th April get in touch. Visited the GP again, still would not give me decent painkillers. The 30th came, rang them up, oh it's not for a consultant as such it's for an MSK physio to assess you to see what is required.
    A week later I managed to get an appointment with the in house physio, she would not touch me as I was already waiting for the MSK one. The phone call to the MSK appointment service on the 30th April said normal waiting times were 15 weeks so still had six or so to wait.
    And here I am... no further forward with a possibly badly healed spinal fracture, unable to leave the house, difficulty in walking, can't drive, can't even put my own socks on. The local housing agency did come out and fit some 'aids' to help which I'm grateful for but the whole experience has been rather demoralising both physically and mentally... hence my thanks in this thread.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

    Hi, PCdunn. Thank you, unfortunately I'm still no further forward. I've still another 5 weeks to wait for a consultant assessment - making 15 weeks since the accident. Without that they 'dare' not (the normal GP) prescribe any treatment in case they get it incorrect. The problem now is I feel the fracture has probably healed but since I'm still at times in excruciating pain then I suspect a) it has not healed correctly or b) it's something else.
    More time to play on the forums though, thanks again.
    You’ve seen a GP?

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
    Hi, Geddy! Welcome and best wishes for a speedy recovery!
    Hi, PCdunn. Thank you, unfortunately I'm still no further forward. I've still another 5 weeks to wait for a consultant assessment - making 15 weeks since the accident. Without that they 'dare' not (the normal GP) prescribe any treatment in case they get it incorrect. The problem now is I feel the fracture has probably healed but since I'm still at times in excruciating pain then I suspect a) it has not healed correctly or b) it's something else.
    More time to play on the forums though, thanks again.

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  • Pcdunn
    Hi, Geddy! Welcome and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

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  • Ms Diddles
    Hi Geddy,

    Am so sorry to hear about the accident.

    That sounds tough, but I wish you a fast and complete recovery.

    As for now, use your time whilst incapacitated to indulge your interests, read, watch stuff you normally wouldn't have time for and post away!

    And enjoy the meds!

    Get well soon!

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  • Lewis C
    I'm sorry to hear about your injury, Geddy. I hope you have a full and speedy recovery.

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  • Geddy2112
    Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
    Here's wishing you a speedy recovery, Geddy.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott
    Thank you sir, much appreciated and apologies if I come across as a brutish old goat, I'll blame it on the meds... great stuff Kind regards.

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  • Tom_Wescott
    Here's wishing you a speedy recovery, Geddy.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott

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