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JFK a new twist

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  • #91
    I'm waiting for the Ancient Aliens: JFK Assassination. It's not a "magic" bullet. It's misunderstood technology.

    I am just baffled by this entire thread. If people can't see the overwhelming evidence against Oswald then it's not worth arguing about.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

      Carlos Marcello claimed in later years that Oswald had been hired to do the job by elements within the Mob at the behest of Marcello.
      Oh of course, hired to assassinate the president of the united states. How much do you think that would cost, precisely? And where did that money go? So Oswald gets hired by the mob, doesn't demand payment upfront to help support his wife and children and then just goes off totally empty handed to kill the president. Riiiiiiiight. Because in addition to being a sociopathic killer, he was also a total moron. This of course totally flies in the face of his prepping to be caught after his attempted assassination of General W, when he paid bills in advance and left a large amount of money for his wife and child behind in the event he was caught. But this time, he takes a payment to kill the PRESIDENT and doesn't prep for his wife and children financially?

      Let all Oz be agreed;
      I need a better class of flying monkeys.


      • #93
        P.S suddenly realized I sound like I am being sarcastic towards Wickerman which is not my intention. Got a slamming headache today so my tone is crankier than I intend it to be. Apologies.

        Let all Oz be agreed;
        I need a better class of flying monkeys.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Ally View Post
          Oh of course, hired to assassinate the president of the united states. How much do you think that would cost, precisely?
          And where did that money go? So Oswald gets hired by the mob, doesn't demand payment upfront to help support his wife and children and then just goes off totally empty handed to kill the president. Riiiiiiiight.
          Ok, you ask some reasonable questions.
          A large sum of money suddenly appearing in an account for Oswald is the same as waving a red flag for investigators, and after an assassination we can be assured the FBI would, as well they did, look into his finances. So no, money is too obvious.

          In Sept. 1963 Oswald had made a last desperate attempt to go to Cuba. He had been resoundly rejected by the Cuban Consul.
          An offer to get him and his family into Cuba might have been all that was necessary.

          Oswald need not even know who his benefactor was, in fact, if he was hired/enlisted the middle-men deal with this, and will naturally tell him as little as possible. It would be fatal for the mob if Oswald had any idea who was behind this. There was a story that Oswald met Marcello, I think that doubtful - but who knows.
          Remember, the mob do not insist on when, where & how. They just say "it must be done". It is then up to the middle-men to find an 'Oswald'-type. It is the 'Oswald' who makes all the arrangements so if he screws up, the police have only one person to blame - which is what we find.

          Attempts were made on Kennedy when he visited Chicago, and Florida, was it Tampa or Miami? - regardless, this attempt in Dallas was not an isolated incident.
          Strange too, some of the men identified as the would-be assassins had a very similar character to that of Oswald.

          I'm not trying to persuade you I just want to share a few possibilities that may have been overlooked.

          Obviously, I don't know that the mob hired Oswald, but neither do I know why a mob boss would admit that this was the case if there was not something in it. Plus, there are other pieces of the puzzle connecting Trafficante, Hoffa, Giancana, Roselli, Ragano, and others to this incident. When you have so many sources telling a similar story, and not contradicting each other, then there's no smoke without fire.

          Loose lips tend to be bad for your health in mob circles.
          Last edited by Wickerman; 11-26-2013, 06:48 PM.
          Regards, Jon S.


          • #95
            Does anyone know if Oswald visited the New York City area (Long Island, the five boroughs, Westchester County, New Jersey, Connecticut) in the summer months (July-August) 1963?


            • #96
              Originally posted by Mayerling View Post
              Does anyone know if Oswald visited the New York City area (Long Island, the five boroughs, Westchester County, New Jersey, Connecticut) in the summer months (July-August) 1963?
              By all accounts, Oswald lived in New Orleans from April-October 1963. Though at some point he did receive a letter from someone in New York which he regarded as of some importance.
              No indication was given that he paid this person a visit for any reason.

              P.S. Oswald had lived in the Bronx between 1952-54, while he was a teenager.
              Last edited by Wickerman; 11-27-2013, 07:21 PM.
              Regards, Jon S.

