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URGENT- Don Souden Has Had A Stroke

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  • Oh Poor Don that's awful


    • This is terrible news. Poor Don. We sent a 'Get Well' card to him mentioning the gall bladder surgery. I guess a lot of us have done this. At least he will know just how much we care about him, even though he couldn't have the operation. I can hardly imagine how the poor man must have felt when the doctor refused to let him undergo the operation. Thank you for keeping us posted, Bunny.


      P.S. Belinda's Aussie cap and Bunny's T-shirt should cheer him up. That was a brilliant 'joke' of yours Robert! I'm sure Don really appreciates it, too.


      • This is a real bummer. Surely there's something they can do about these stones, if they can't operate?

        Please give Don my best wishes.


        • Don and I are not friends, but please send him my best wishes also, from the bottom of my heart.


          • I've been off the boards a lot these past few months, and just catching up.

            Please pass on my regards, and let Don know England drew with Sri Lanka at Lords, it went to the last ball.

            He will know what I mean.



            Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



            • I've also a message for Don from Bubba Whicker.

              He says hello, and he has been trying to mail Don.



              Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



              • Good News!

                Hello David, Monty & all. I'll do my best to pass your messages.

                Originally posted by Monty View Post
                I've also a message for Don from Bubba Whicker.
                He says hello, and he has been trying to mail Don.
                Ok Monty. I have no idea who "Bubba Whicker" is.... Kinda sounds like the cricket-playing Brit version of "Joe Sixpack". One of your partners in crime i suppose. I'll pass the word.

                As of now Don has no email service, but we are working on that now he has his new eyeglasses.

                If you were speaking of regular mail by post, here's the address again:

                Fairview of Fairfield
                930 Mill Hill Terrace
                ATTN: Donald Souden
                Southport, CT

                *If anybody wants to send Don a parcel, or perhaps a special card or letter, please let me know and I will give you Don's brother's address. It seems to be the surest way.

                This weekend I was told Don is going to get some more Therapy!
                Not sure yet if it will be Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy to help his hand/eye coordination (or perhaps both?) Either way it's very good news. Don likes his therapists, and besides helping him health-wise they're intelligent people with whom he can have interesting conversations.

                I got some more good news this morning. Don was visited by some friends yesterday, and when they arrived he was OUTSIDE!!

                That's Don's first time being out of doors since August of last year. It made his sister and I so happy! Sunshine, fresh air, flowers & listening to little birds singing will do him a world of good.

                Thanks everyone,


                • I've no idea who Bubba is either Bunny, I suspect he is one of Dons baseball mates.

                  I shall pass on the info.....and the good news.



                  Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.



                  • "I got some more good news this morning. Don was visited by some friends yesterday, and when they arrived he was OUTSIDE!! "

                    But I told him to make sure the tunnel emerged beyond
                    the perimeter fence. Damn and blast!


                    • The therapy is great news ... even if all it does is keeps his mind busy, nothing worse than laying around doing nothing, been there.
                      G U T

                      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                      • I've just been catching up on this thread of Don's. Really great news that he is to have some kind of therapy and that he was actually outside in the open air! Bless his heart.

                        At least Don knows how much further he needs to dig, Robert. He must have been disappointed, though. That meatball thingy you ordered for him at Subway has probably gone off by now.



                        • Carol, I might have to send in Thunderbird 1 to get him out.


                          • Hi Robert,
                            Might be on the expensive side, but what does money matter when a friend is in dire need. Let me know if you need some help with this. I had to raid my little money box (a tin replica of a George V post box) for Per-Åke the other day. Strange, but it always seems to be HIS little monetary emergencies that seem to empty it each time. But I know where I can get my hands on a few kronor that he doesn't know about.


                            • Thanks Carol. My plan is to send in Thunderbird 1, then if Lady Penelope and Parker can tie Don's wheelchair to the back bumper of the Rolls, they're away. It worked OK in The Black Sheep Of Whitehall, anyway (bottom pic) :

                              Will Hay was a much-loved music hall, radio and film comedian during the 1930s and 1940s. Graham Rinaldi, Will Hay’s biographer, discusses Hay’s extensive career, with extracts from his many films, along with rare silent footage of the comic on stage.


                              • Great idea of yours, Robert, to get Lady Penelope to dress up as a nurse. That should fool them at Fairview. Does Don know yet what you've planned? You know what he's like. An attractive woman like Lady Penelope suddenly coming in to his room unannounced might distract him from the actual escape.


