I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I've grown quite accustomed to seeing the warm welcome to our "newest member" Trpv78, or 'TripAdvisor78' as I've affectionately come to know them. They're presence has been a comforting constant in these uncertain times, and when perusing the boards, seeing that welcome is like sitting in a favourite chair. But alas, things change and inevitably a new member will come along and poor old TripAdvisor will be lost to the limbo of the members list. But we must carry on, much like Trpv78 did on the 8th of January 2020, when they created an account, logged out and was never seen again. So before the cruel hands of time move on and erase this stalwart of the forum home screen from existence, may I take the opportunity of asking everyone to take a moment to pay tribute to the "unknown member".
Trpv78, we hardly knew ye.
Trpv78, we hardly knew ye.