Originally posted by Robert
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I feel that corporal punishment never worked anyway. It was around throughout my entire schooldays and it was used sparingly. And it always seemed to be the same pupils who got it, who rarely seemed to correct their behaviour afterwards. That said, I don't believe Messrs. Quinn, Garlick, McCloud or Smith spent the rest of their days grinding their teeth over it. Smith certainly didn't - he became a successful magician and children's entertainer!
I was never caned, but my parents were back in the 50s, for quite frankly minor indiscretions. In fact, one day a teacher asked my father's class if there was anybody who hadn't been given 'the slipper' yet. My father said he hadn't. "Come up here, boy" was the answer.... I think my father is none the worse for his experience.
But there is a totally different midset today. Kids think they are untouchable for a start. "You can't touch me" was a comment I heard often. In fact that was pretty much the rule when I first started teaching, until a code of 'reasonable force' was introduced to enable teachers to physically remove students from a class when it was entirely necessary. Some of these students clearly got a bit of a shock when they spouted the standard line only to be told "well actually, I can" and were then promply led out the door to cool off.