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Rioting in UK capital

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  • Entirely predictable that politicians having sat on their backsides in complete safety should seek to claim to have calmed the riots single handedly. Predictable but still sickening though.
    Senior officers reject suggestions that the restoration of calm across England was due to political intervention, following criticism of their tactics by the prime minister.

    Crawl back into your office Theresa May and start writing a resignation letter if you really want to help.


    • Originally posted by brummie View Post
      Entirely predictable that politicians having sat on their backsides in complete safety should seek to claim to have calmed the riots single handedly. Predictable but still sickening though.
      Senior officers reject suggestions that the restoration of calm across England was due to political intervention, following criticism of their tactics by the prime minister.

      Crawl back into your office Theresa May and start writing a resignation letter if you really want to help.
      that is just a classical attempt to restore their reputation, it's pathetic to see them denying the facts they have right under their eyes and vain and still they do it, but it's not going to change people mind, the whole world has seen it, and the whole world has seen hundreds of Londoners cleaning the streets themselves.


      • Some people think that the police should be more proactive when hundreds of workshy, useless scumbags converge on one place by prior arrangement. I would remind them that it simply would not be lawful for the police to enter the Commons chamber to disperse these people.


        • Originally posted by Robert View Post
          ... workshy, useless scumbags ...
          Really, you might bear in mind that the prime minister cut short his holiday in Tuscany because of this.

          And I understand that, of his four holidays this Summer, that was the one he had been looking forward to the most.


          • Originally posted by Robert View Post
            Some people think that the police should be more proactive when hundreds of workshy, useless scumbags converge on one place by prior arrangement. I would remind them that it simply would not be lawful for the police to enter the Commons chamber to disperse these people.
            you mean there is a law like with the Senat? that the Police is not authorized there unless they are called?


            • Don't worry, Cameron is on top of the riot situation and his phone is always by his least, it was by his side. Who's pinched that, then?....


              • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                Don't worry, Cameron is on top of the riot situation and his phone is always by his least, it was by his side. Who's pinched that, then?....
                lemme guess. the maid, and she couldn't speak english??


                • Actually, Sister, Cameron has now come up with a rather wily plan to meet the teenagers half way AND keep the streets safe. He is going to legalise rioting...provided it takes place at 9 AM sharp.


                  • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                    Actually, Sister, Cameron has now come up with a rather wily plan to meet the teenagers half way AND keep the streets safe. He is going to legalise rioting...provided it takes place at 9 AM sharp.
                    once again, vain attempts... are uk politics like cats or so??? when they piss on your carpet you can put their head into it they'll still deny?? beside I can't riot at 9 A.M.!!! it's medication time!! he gotta pick another time!


                    • Since Cameron has taken some flak on this thread, I thought I'd post this to cheer him up. Note Sherlock Holmes's landlady in charge of old jalopy.


                      • Originally posted by Robert View Post
                        Since Cameron has taken some flak on this thread, I thought I'd post this to cheer him up. Note Sherlock Holmes's landlady in charge of old jalopy.

                        next time I take the bus in London i'll ask for a cup of tea and say they hve to cause I saw it in a movie. now if you wanna cheer him up, send him the holiday pictures of jacques chirac from the fort of Brigançon some years ago


                        • Originally posted by AmmanValleyJack View Post
                          your comments are outrageous Fleetwood Mac.

                          the one thing that is oozes out from your posts is that you clearly equate Blacks with foreigners with your "ship them back" mentality. Colour does not equate to Nationality.

                          The rioters (the vast majority) are British citizens. There are Black British and Black White doing the rioting as has already been pointed out. What about the Student riots. they were a great majority of Whites as well as in White areas. Why do you want ship British citizens to other countries? do you advocate setting up another penal colony in a far off land where we can overrun the natives and leave our undesirables in their place much like Australia?

                          Also what about the Sikh's and Muslims who are working hard tonight to save their communities in the area's of London they live? ship those potential terrorist scum back as well?
                          Yes, there are a minority of white youths rioting. The vast majority are black. BLACK. Is that how far this country has gone? When the vast majority of people breaking the law in this particular instance are black, we have to say: "well, some are black; some aren't". Dear god.

                          What about the student riots? Ship that lot out as well. Sikhs and muslims? Any of them breaking the law should be shipped out as well.

                          Penal colony sounds good to me.

                          This isn't about race or religion. It's about sorting out a problem in our society. That being: it's always someone else's fault isn't it and this attitude gives carte blanche to every social misfit and his dog.

                          If it helps to clarify the situation, if people don't think they're getting a fair crack of the whip then just go somewhere else - whatever race you are - why hang around moaning and smashing the place up?

                          Idiots. But not quite as idiotic as the liberal 'intellectuals' who will be busy at this very moment concocting a theory to the effect that law abiding citizens are to blame for depriving people of a flat screen tele.


                          • The use of strong absurdist hyperbole suggests suggests a complete lack of understanding of anything pertaining to the situation. It is neither helpful nor intelligent to make up a motivation to fits ones own jaundiced world view.
                            The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                            • Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
                              Idiots. But not quite as idiotic as the liberal 'intellectuals' who will be busy at this very moment concocting a theory to the effect that law abiding citizens are to blame for depriving people of a flat screen tele.
                              Well, your "clarification" is at least something of an improvement on the original version about the "black sections of this country" ****ing off back to Africa and Jamaica.

                              But really I don't think I've heard anyone expressing the view you're trying to stuff into the mouth of liberal intellectuals. The only person I've heard come anywhere near saying that is Colonel Gaddafi, and he's never struck me particularly as either a liberal or an intellectual...


                              • Originally posted by Chris View Post
                                Well, your "clarification" is at least something of an improvement on the original version about the "black sections of this country" ****ing off back to Africa and Jamaica.

                                But really I don't think I've heard anyone expressing the view you're trying to stuff into the mouth of liberal intellectuals. The only person I've heard come anywhere near saying that is Colonel Gaddafi, and he's never struck me particularly as either a liberal or an intellectual...

                                John Prescott was doing his best to make this arguement the other night on Question Time.

