It is an archaic, barbaric practice that serves to lessen the sensitivity of the penis something like up to 50%. Is it healthier? Well, less skin means easier cleaning, but that's no reson to do it to a baby or a child when he can be taught to wash himself thoroughly. You are right. Up until maybe 20 years ago, all boys had it done to them as a natural course of being born unless someone objected to it. Babies didn't object except by their screams during the process.
It is an archaic, barbaric practice that serves to lessen the sensitivity of the penis something like up to 50%. Is it healthier? Well, less skin means easier cleaning, but that's no reson to do it to a baby or a child when he can be taught to wash himself thoroughly. You are right. Up until maybe 20 years ago, all boys had it done to them as a natural course of being born unless someone objected to it. Babies didn't object except by their screams during the process.