Originally posted by Phil H
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Oil is a hugely important factor.
However if you cast your mind back to the late 1980's the USA decided to back the right wing military dictator of Pakistan ,President Zia who was all for invading Najibullah's Afghanistan which was secular,where women were educated alongside men and enjoyed wearing Western clothes and some freedom to work,go out etc .
It was at this moment in history that Osama Bin Laden appeared,as a young Saudi member of the Mujahideen determined to return Afghanistan to an 'earlier age' as far as women's rights were concerned.
Whether fully aware of what they were getting into or not, America backed these Mujahideen ,financially and politically as they just couldn't abide the fact that Afghanistan was a country that was under Soviet influence.
So in due course,the War Lords of Afghanistan,got Najibullah,castrated him ,stuffed the castrated items in his mouth tied his naked body to horses and dragged it round the courtyard of his ministerial building.Then they hung him upside down .
Sickening stuff.But was Frankenstein worth creating?