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Beatrice's Hat

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  • Beatrice's Hat

    I thought this ghastly contraption deserved a thread of its own.

    What on earth was she thinking of? Was she trying to out-do Alice - the loopy character from The Vicar of Dibley?

    The whole outfit was vile. The colour was very unflattering for someone of her age. What a shame some kind friend (or her sister) didn't take her aside and tactfully suggest she might like to go for something less ungainly. Perhaps she kept it under wraps until the last minute?

    If she carries on like that - she might find herself banished to the attic rooms of one of the Royl palaces!

    However- didn't the Princess Royal look wonderful?

    For those who haven't seen Beatrice's hat - just go to google images and type in Beatrice's Hat!

  • #2
    To make it a 'perfect' English wedding you have to have some ghastly hats !

    Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone came dressed like Carol Middleton ?

    ... the whole thing would be tasteful and elegant but not quite as much I'm grateful to Beatrice and Eugenie, VB's shoes, Sally Bercow's cleavage and the woman with the Carmen Miranda flower on her head (Nick Clegg's wife ?) -ooh and TPT -for adding a bit of 'piment' to the scene


    • #3
      Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


      • #4
        I saw a lot worse


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rubyretro View Post
          To make it a 'perfect' English wedding you have to have some ghastly hats !

          Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone came dressed like Carol Middleton ?

          ... the whole thing would be tasteful and elegant but not quite as much I'm grateful to Beatrice and Eugenie, VB's shoes, Sally Bercow's cleavage and the woman with the Carmen Miranda flower on her head (Nick Clegg's wife ?) -ooh and TPT -for adding a bit of 'piment' to the scene
          Of course. And you have to have the women 'bitching' about the hideous outfits! I'm grateful to Beatrice for giving us such entertainment!

          I am also amused by the way Royals - the men in particular - seem to be able to 'adopt' roles (and the accompanying uniform) at will. William surprised us all by wearing the uniform of a Colonel in the Irish Guards - an honary post awarded to him - for what? And a while back (Remembrance Sunday) - we heard that Prince Charles as 'wearing the uniform of a Rear Admiral'. It's so cheeky!


          • #6
            the thing that gets me, is that Beatrice and Eugenie have advisers, access to stylists, could ring a fashion editor, could ask the designer, or just their best friends or boyfriends. And they knew that millions of people would be watching, commentators describing, photographers clicking away for posterity and journalists critisising.

            Yet they still chose those outfits.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rubyretro View Post
              the thing that gets me, is that Beatrice and Eugenie have advisers, access to stylists, could ring a fashion editor, could ask the designer, or just their best friends or boyfriends. And they knew that millions of people would be watching, commentators describing, photographers clicking away for posterity and journalists critisising.

              Yet they still chose those outfits.
              Sometimes looking good and looking AWESOME are two different things...
              The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


              • #8
                I just did the Google search. She looks like she's got a giant spider on her head.

                I thought the bride was supposed to be the centre of attention.


                • #9
                  Personally, I was more appalled at how
                  rip-roaring drunk "Auntie" was...tell me this woman didn't have 6 "pink ladies" 20 minutes before this was taken...LOLOL:

                  Limehouse, I do agree with you, though!

                  "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cappuccina View Post
                    Personally, I was more appalled at how
                    rip-roaring drunk "Auntie" was...tell me this woman didn't have 6 "pink ladies" 20 minutes before this was taken...LOLOL:

                    Limehouse, I do agree with you, though!

                    Hi Caps - lovely to hear from you!

                    Yes- the Royal women are famous for their consumption of gin! This lady is also more at home climbing on and off a horse than in and out of a car!

                    Howevewr -Auntie could give her neice some fashion tips!


                    • #11
                      I agree with you; I am guessing the two did it as a way of being outrageous yet staying within the bounds of being "dressed appropriately" for the occasion...In other words, drawing attention to themselves, which is not nice...

                      I hope all is well with you and your family, Limehouse!

                      "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


                      • #12
                        Annes coat came straight out of her Grandmothers wardrobe

                        I've seen her wear some decent stuff before.Don't know what made her choose that


                        • #13
                          I stand up for the hat. I think it's awesome. And way better than Chelsy Davy, who looked like she rolled out of someone's bed and is doing the walk of shame into Westminster... just saying...
                          The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


                          • #14
                            Tara whatsername's hat looked like she had a giant blue vagina attached to her forehead.

                            It was hideous, and yet I couldn't stop staring.
                            “Sans arme, sans violence et sans haine”


                            • #15
                              I rather feel sorry for Beatrice and Eugenie. It's not like they can ask their mother for fashion advice. She's too busy losing weight (professionally), or having her toes licked, or annoying New Yorkers, or whatever the hell she's doing now.

